Chapter 11

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I was discharged last night around midnight. I waisted no time heading to my common room. Poppy had to stay one more night but she kept assuring me she'd be okay.

"Let me know how your date goes." She had cheered as I left the hospital wing. She kept clapping for me as I walked out. It was comical to watch her clap for me while the nurse yelled at a student for bringing in a sheep.

It was so late that I barely even saw ghost floating about the castle. I felt like even though I was walking carefully my steps still echoed throughout the entire school. The only sounds were me walking and the paintings peacefully sleeping.

As I entered the changing staircase towards the Hufflepuff common room I could see two figures standing at one of the bases. As I got closer I rolled my eyes at the twins waiting.

"Are you two allowed to be out right now?"

"You're still alive?" Giselle fired back.

"Unfortunately for you I did make a full recovery." Andre smiled behind Giselle but instantly stopped when she rolled her eyes and turned towards him. "Go back to your common room before I tell a prefect."

"We are looking for something. So we will go back when we are done."

"What could you two possibly be looking for?"

"Salazar Slytherin's skriptorium." Giselle smirked.

I tried to not looked shocked as I walked past them, "it got destroyed during the fight with Ranrok." I lied.

Giselle rolled her eyes once again, "I told you," Andre groaned, "let's just go to bed I'm tired." He turned away and started heading for the Slytherin common room.

Giselle lingered a little longer and gave me a dirty look. "Maybe don't mess up so hard for the next trail."

"Second place is always first to loose." I smiled back at her.

She gave a little angry grunt before stomping her foot and running after her brother.

Annoying ass.


The next morning I went straight to the Slytherin table, past Sebastian,who was trying to rush and put his toast down to greet me, to Ominis who sat reading a book with Braille.

"Ominis. Other then the three of us can anyone else enter the Skriptorium?"

Ominis didn't answer right away. He slowly closed his book and looked up at me. His opal looking eyes seeming slightly bothered.

"Isn't that on our list of no-no words?" He asked politely.

"It was until I caught the twins walking around the castle last night looking for it."

Ominis groaned. Probably at the amount of students looking for things he's repeatedly told people not to.

"Who told them about it?"

I looked at Sebastian. He put his hands up defensively, "hey, I said I'm on the straight and narrow."

Ominis turned his head in Sebastian's direction, "you swear you haven't been going in there again?"

"I swear."

I thought about everything a bit more. "Maybe it was my parents. And that would make sense because they didn't go here so they wouldn't know where exactly it is."

"I don't like your parents." Sebastian and Ominis both mumbled.

"At least we are on the same page." I sighed and sat down next to Sebastian with Ominis across from us. "You guys gotta find out why they want to get in there."

Overtaken, book 1Where stories live. Discover now