Dear Abby - Romeo and Juliet

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Dear Abby:

  I have recently gotten married to the love of my life. But, you see, no one knows of our love or marriage. Maybe that's because him and his family are the enemies of my family, maybe it's because I wanted to marry the person I actually love instead of marrying some pretentious man who seems to be caring more about his looks over getting to know me as a person. And now I get to the actual problem. Earlier on, a fight had broken out between my husband and my cousin. My cousin was killed by my love and the Prince has called for banishment for the murder. My love has ran to the middle of nowhere and I have shed tears for it. My parents think I'm hung up over the death of my cousin so they think getting married to the pretentious man I mentioned earlier will help. My heart belongs to my love, not him, and I don't know what to do now. My parents will disown me if I do not get married to this man. Please help me figure out what I should do.

  In Need of Help

Dear Help:

  I have read over your letter many times and took it into deep consideration, I wanted to be absolutely sure I knew how to help you. Your parents obviously do not understand or remember what it was like to be in love. So they have decided to punish you greatly for trying to break free from this arranged marriage and be with the one you truly love. Have you ever thought of telling your parents that you simply do not love this man they wish you to marry and you are in love with another? You probably have and maybe it didn't work, am I correct? Well you see, sometimes for love we have to sacrifice some small or big things in your life that mean a great deal to you. I am not telling you to give up your parents and I am definitely not telling you to give up your husband because that would simply just not be fair.
  Now as for the banishment your husband has gotten himself into for the murder of your cousin, there is really nothing you can do about it. What's done is done. If you are wanting to be with your love even after all that has been done and what he has caused, then you are truly in love and even I through paper can see that. So run away with him if there is no other choice, go after him. Be with him if that is what your heart desires. Forget the arrangement your parents made with that pretentious man and be free with your love. I wish you luck and a happily ever after.


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