Chapter 8 - My Queen

Start from the beginning

I take a few steps towards the railing. Eyeing over for an exit strategy but I can't find. Maybe he brought me here on purpose. I turn over my shoulder, Killian watching me carefully with his arms crossed over his chest.

"You still haven't told me who you are." Killian says calmly.

Don't panic. My wolf urges me.

I meet his purple eyes, deciding to stare him head on. I may be afraid deep down, but as long as I don't look it then he can't tell. I hope anyways.

"Where did you come from?" Killian steps towards me.

I take a step towards him, "France."

"You don't sound French."

"I'm American."

"Mmm..." Killian tilts his head to the side—I can't tell if he's skeptical. His eyes flaring as he smiles. "How cultural."

I give it a few seconds as I realize we're in a staring contest together. Licking my lips, I go for my rehearsed story. "Do you know L'école Durendal?"

"Of course," Killian eyes me over. "How long were you there for?"

"A few years." I say,

"Student or instructor?"

"Both. I helped them with some of their classes."

Killian smiles softly, "I still don't know your name."

I hesitate but answer anyways. My voice soft and nearly under my breath, "Sloane."

Killian nods a few times. He looks like he's taking it all in. It makes me very unsettled and nervous. I finally turn away from him—unable to handle it any longer. The smell of lemon and magic is getting to my head. I lean over the railing, letting my arms sink into the stone below me as I inhale the ocean scent.

We're done for, I tell my wolf.

No, not yet. She replies.

"I want you to wait right here." Killian says before quickly adding, "Please."

Well...shit. My wolf sighs, Run?

I bite my lip as Killian disappears back into the ballroom. My mind wandering to all kinds of possibilities. He might be getting back up. Reinforcements. Maybe he didn't Mind Warp me in the room because there are so many people around. He's probably going to lead me to where all our Rebels are.

I start to mentally prepare for the torture I'm going to endure. For the pain that Joshua told me about. I'm not going to be able to light the candles. I think to the Rebellion. I just have to hold out for three days. My wolf sending me reassurance that she'll help me.

I recall the horror stories. Mind Warpers can kill people with their minds. They can warp reality, your emotions, and feelings. Control you like puppets.

My heart pounds. I look over the stone railing. I could try to jump. But what good does that do if I live? I'm on an island. There's no way out. If I run away now, it'll only send off alarm bells. The entire Island would be put under lockdown, and they'll eventually find me.

For a brief moment, I consider jumping just to see if it'll kill me. At least then, they wouldn't be able to get into my head about the Rebellion. My wolf growls at the thought—instantly pushing it out of my mind.

I should have let Joshua come. I'm an idiot. I promised Kane and Josh I would be okay. For the first time ever, I don't know if I can own up to that promise.

I close my eyes, taking deep breaths to calm myself. I think of Tommy. How I have to do this for him. My wolf vibrating in the back of my head. Trying to send me emotional support. I already miss having my band of Rebels supporting me.

I hear the glass door open. The music and sounds of the party streaking onto the terrace. I take a deep breath, ready to face the Inquisitor and whatever he has in store.

Instead of inhaling lemon and magic, I'm suddenly clouded by a rich, warm, musky scent of amber and cedar. Hints of vetiver and bergamot that makes the musk a bit fresher and lighter. It smells...incredible. Matured and manly. My mouth nearly drooling as I feel flutters rock me through me.

My wolf swooning with me. That's a man, she purrs in my head.

I turn to look over my shoulder. My stomach and mouth drooping. My body tensing and even my wolf doesn't know how to react. The smallest of a growl rumbling within her as I slowly stand.

I see the Crown. So eloquently placed on his golden curls. Pure anger flares in the pit of my stomach. For years, I didn't think I would ever experience it in person. I didn't think I would be so close that I can see the moonlight glisten on the many jewels.

My heartrate picks up. My eyes widen as I realize—in utter and complete shock—that the King is standing a few feet away. I've imagined him in my head a million times. I've pictured him and this is both exactly and not at all what I expected.

It feels surreal to see him. Wearing a royal tunic with what looks like a thousand buttons. A mantel trailing behind him. The Crown...Goddess the Crown is incredibly elaborate. Gold, and black, and diamonds. Sitting on his head while he carries it like it weighs as if made of feathers.

His shoulders are incredibly broad. His arms massive—tall like no one I've ever experienced. It's the way he's carrying himself. His aura radiating power that makes my wolf growl. Everything feels...regally nuclear.

I nervously turn my body in his direction as he slowly takes off the gold and black mask that's covering his face. His entire face angular, sharp...beautiful. Like it's been graced by Renaissance artists and sculptors.

I hate him, I tell my wolf.

Me too, Sloane. She growls lowly.

King Aiden turns to me. His golden eyes landing on mine. They nearly burn with intensity like looking at gold melting in a furnace. It makes you want to pull away. But before I could even consider doing so, my eyes widen as my breath catches.

Helplessly, I watch as silver glazes across King Aiden's eyes. I feel my own eyes do the same. My wolf silencing in the back of my mind as realization that we've just had the Glaze sinks into us. My heart beating loudly in my chest. 

No...I tell myself.

No way, my wolf slacks.

Shock coursing through me as I realize why he smells so extraordinary. Why he feels even more intense suddenly. An abrupt pull reaching into the pit of my stomach. The energy around him shifting and I can't help but feel...

No fucking way, I reiterate.

Sloane...My wolf takes a deep breath, The King is our Mate, which means...

My mind is unable to comprehend what's happening before me. I must be having a nightmare. I need to wake up. Wake up!

King Aiden tilts his head to the side. Eyeing me carefully. He takes a step towards me, and I stay frozen in place. His voice coming out deep and thick and sweet like pouring honey.

"I've waited for you for a long time." His golden eyes blazing. Barely tilting his head down in a small bow. "My Queen."


A/N: God Aiden is so hot. That's all I have to say. Gah this story is going to be a slow burn get ready. Strap in. We're just now getting into the rollercoaster seats. Every chapter before this was basically waiting in those long ass lines to get onto the ride. Here we gooooooooo

Comments? Lemme know haha. 

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