I shake it off and take her up on her advice.

She walks with me down to the dining room. All while asking me how I'm feeling and if I'm still in pain.

When we get there it is empty, thankfully.

I walk in to find bread, nuts, and fruit.

"Go ahead," she gestures and I smile thanking her.

I try my best to maturely grab a golden plate and serve myself all the fruit, bread, and nuts I can muster.

She tells me she is going to fetch Odin and she'll be back.

I shiver at the thought of seeing him after being taken care of by his healers and eating his food.

"Alright," I simply say as she leaves me alone.

I sit and eat.


Although my mind keeps drifting to Loki and what happened last night I can't help but also think of my aunt.

I'm not sure how long I've been here or how long I've gone without seeing her. I'm making it my mission to go see her immediately after speaking with Frigga and the King again.

I would like to speak with Loki but I have half a mind to believe he's avoiding me now.

It's not so early that he wouldn't have normally checked up on me by now.

"Sage," I hear the familiar voice behind me.

I turn to see a smiley Thor as he walks up and gives me a tight hug before chuckling.

"Wow you're strong," I nearly wheeze out while he crushes me.

"You're alive and well," he says releasing me.

"That I am. Thanks to you and your family."

"Oh please. You're Asgardian," he says proudly. "You would've been fine without us."

"Yes well...what ever happened? With those beasts?" I ask and just before he can open his mouth we hear a light laugh coming from the entrance of the dining room.

We turn to see Sigyn and Loki together.

Although I don't show it. I will say it bothers me to see them together.

They both catch our eyes and Loki's little grin disappears as his eye lock onto mine with an expression I cannot decipher.

"I was just telling Sage how we defeated the rock trolls," he speaks up.

Loki simply nods as Sigyn eyes me up and down.

"You don't look the best, Sage. Oh, but I'm glad you're alive," Sigyn states opening her mouth and I give her a forceful smile before turning back to Thor.

"Rock giants, you say?" I ask.

"They're one of our long enemies. The great rock troll Ulik has tried to defeat me many a times. This time he came for all our people and I blame myself for not taking more action," he says looking down ashamed.

"Hey," I go placing my hand on his arm. "I'm sure you did what you could," I say warmly and he gives me a soft smile before nodding.

I pull away a small smile on my face before looking back at Loki and Sigyn as she speaks of something he's clearly not focusing on as he watches us with irritation.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2023 ⏰

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