Chapter 3

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"I feel as though you always have pizza when I come here," I tell him as Libby is devouring a slice of pizza.

We both agreed to eat here after Tony so kindly invited us in.

I insisted it was fine and that I was just leaving. However Tony being..Tony. He wouldn't put up.

"Can I talk to you for a second?"

I look at Libby and tell her I'll be back. She nods along not even looking in my direction. Too busy enjoying her pizza.

I walk towards the kitchen and he smiles at me.


"How'd you get in?" He asks.

I swallow but keep a straight face.

"You know..I have my ways," I say with a smirk.

He just looks annoyed and moves on.

"How are you?"

"I'm good," I state kindly.

"How's Romonaff?"

"She's good. She misses you."

"Really?" He seems surprised and almost eager.

"No," I say laughing and he seems annoyed.

"You know how much of a bad idea I think hanging around that kid is right?"

I roll my eyes at his worrisome.

"Yes. You've told me quite many a times actually."

"It's not safe for her to be around you."

I look back at him and the pain on his face as he tells me this.

"I'm all she has."

"She has a father."

I bite back a snarky remark and glare at him before responding.

"You know what I mean. I don't feel the need to refresh your mind. Shall I paint you a picture of what it's like for her or will you finally leave my relationship with her be?" I say in annoyance.

He sighs and looks at the ground for a moment before looking back at me.

"Fine. Just be careful."

I sigh and we both look out into the dining hall to see her finishing her pizza.

Just as I was about to excuse myself and grab Libby to leave, we all hear a voice come in from the house.

"Sir, Agent Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D is on the line."

Tony sighs and I look around confused.

I turned to Libby who looks just as lost but equally in awe.

"I'm not in," he says walking back to the kitchen. "I'm actually out," he goes grabbing a slice from the pizza box off the dining table.

"Sir, I'm afraid he's insisting."

He rolls his eyes before snapping back.
"Grow a spine, Jarvis. I'm a little busy here."

I watch in amusement as he talks back to his house.

I look around to see where it could be coming from. Considering I've only been here twice before and this hasn't happened. Rendering me utterly confused.

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