Chapter 27

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{Chapter 27}

It's been a month since my date with Liam. I missed him and I wished he would've texted or called me, but he didn't. Time went on though, I was still a model and went to Uni. Liam had started dating Sophia, witch hurt me since I thought he liked me. Nadia and Harry were together, they seemed like the perfect couple. Me and Nadia had moved apartments like we talked about, after the whole Liam thing I actually really wanted to move so he didn't know where we lived. We had upgraded to a luxury apartment. We owned the pent house that was so huge! We had about 4 more extra rooms that we had no idea what to do with, as of right now it's being used as storage and one full room is for me and Nadia's extra cloths- witch we had a lot of. Harry, Hannah, Louis, and Tuesday had been hanging out with us a lot and life seemed great though I was still trying to face the fact that Liam didn't want me.

It was hard, especially when your friends with his sister. "He went to your old apartment yesterday," Hannah tells me that day as I'm laying in bed playing on my phone. She was going through my cloths helping me choose what to wear tonight to the fashion show. Mr. Wolfe had set me up for a date with Zac Efron, witch I was totally okay with. Mr. Wolfe said I needed a date and Zac needed some publicity for his upcoming premier for something I can't even remember. I didn't pay attention actually, I heard Zac Efron and I zoned out. Hell, who would blame me?!

"Who?" I ask bringing my focus to Hannah.

"Liam, what about this dress?" She shows off a red dress. I give her a disgusted look.

"No, it needs to say I'm totally sexy and super pop-star girlfriend material, along with a dash of I'm totally responsible and older than I look!" Hannah rolls her eyes.

"Your only 21 and you look 18," she laughs. I go back to playing on my phone.

"Why did Liam stop by?"

"He wanted to talk to you, found out you moved and begged me to tell him where you lived. I told him no you said to stay away, he was mad but then again he shouldn't be talking to you if he's dating that Sopapilla girl."

"It's Sophia," I correct her.

"Yeah, whatever. Don't really like her..."

"Why not?"

"She told me to stay away from my brother for the longest time cause she thought I was trying to steal him from her. Then she found out we were family."

"Oh," I laugh as she pulls out another dress.

"I love that one!" I exclaim.

"Same,eats get you dressed!"

3 hours later I was ready and waiting for Zac. Hannah left 30 minuets earlier wishing me luck, I fix some last minuet makeup or hair problems. When I'm done I put on my coat since it was chilly out tonight. As if right on cue the door bell rings and I become super nervous. Calm down, it's a set up date. Okay, I can do this!

I straighten my dress and I open the door to sexy looking Zac Efron. "You Larissa?" His American accent fills my ears and I want to melt.

"Y-yes," I stutter. Damn me!

"Sweet, let's go." I close my door and lock it then follow him down to a very expensive car.

Holy shit, I was scared just to sit in it. "This is your car?" I gasp and Zac gives me a weird look.

"Yeah?" I get in the car and it's awkward. Soon he breaks the silence. "You should probably give me some pointers about you." He snaps, rude...

"Well, my names Larissa Moore. I take school at uni because I want to become a nurse, I'm 21 and single. I have two sisters that are with their father in America. I've only lived here for exactly 4 months and yeah."

"Wow, that's amazing! Well I'm 25 and I'm pretty sure you know everything else." (I don't actually know that much about Zac Efron so please don't judge me if I get things wrong about him. Everything in this story is made up so yeah)

"Yeah I watch a lot of movies your in!" I tell him and he takes my hand. Such a nice gesture.

When we arrive to the party there's paparazzi everywhere taking our pictures and asking us questions. When we get inside I take my coat off and that's when Zac compliments my attire. I of course blushed and we spent the rest of the night smiling and laughing.

So these next few chapters will be a bit fast track! Does bike update

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