63 ~ Nightmarish Visions

Start from the beginning

(Y/n) tried to look around, but she couldn't move her eyes. Then she tried to stand up, but she found again that she still couldn't move an inch.

She could only see what was in front of her. Which was unfortunately the isle of puppets hanging from an ivory wall.

What the...
She thought.

She could feel someone's body touching her back. She assumed someone was laying next to her.

(Y/n) grew frustrated and antsy. Her frustration turned into anger and her antsy feelings turned into rage. She wanted to move and get out of wherever she was.

Wasn't the whole reason they returned to the demon realm was to defeat Belos??

How could she defeat Belos if she was stuck paralyzed in some stone chamber?

She heard a sound come from just a couple feet away from her head. It sounded like wooden blocks jostling together.

So there was someone near her after all...

It was Amity. Somehow and someway, she'd managed to break the paralysis ever so slightly to move her finger. She began etching the light glyph into the ground, eventually activating it.

"Oh my gosh, it worked!" (Y/n) heard her exclaim.



At the same time, (Y/n) felt herself unfreeze. Her unblinking, glass eyes closed and reopened rapidly, trying to moisten her stinging, dry eyes.

She heard stirring from behind her, coming from the person whose back she was pressed up against. Of course, as fate would have it, it was Hunter. (Y/n) stared at him with a strong desire to rest her head on his shoulder and pass out from exhaustion. But before she could, Amity spoke words that made (Y/n)'s blood run cold.

"Miss Lilith?" Amity had asked aloud. She hadn't seen her old mentor since the witch's duel ages ago against (Y/n).

"Lilith?!" (Y/n) exclaimed, darting her head away from Hunter and to her mother.

Lilith was hung right in (Y/n)'s blind spot—just where she couldn't see in her paralyzed state. She was hung from concrete walls by a string attached to her arms.

"Mom!" (Y/n) cried out as she ran towards her. It was only then that she realized that she, along with the other four witches, were stuck on a floating platform. (Y/n) felt like she could almost reach Lilith, but she was just out of reach.

Lilith looked different than (Y/n) had remembered. She now had short hair which was newly orange, along with her glasses missing. But nevertheless, Lilith still looked like Lilith, even in this frozen puppet state.

"It's so good to see you again..." (Y/n) confessed aloud, "Even if it is.. in this state. Don't worry, We'll get you down from there and unfreeze you... I was so worried, Lilith. I thought you were... but I told myself you couldn't be. Because you're too tough to be taken down by the Collector! You're- you're a wanted criminal, after all! Well.. I guess not anymore now that Belos isn't the Emperor anymore, huh..." (Y/n) spoke her mind to Lilith, thinking she couldn't hear her, but little did she know—Lilith was hearing every word that (Y/n) spoke to her. However, it just felt relieving to finally talk to Lilith again after all this time.

"Where the heck are we?!" Gus yelled once he came into consciousness. He gazed around at the stone shelves of puppets, hoping maybe he'd see his father. But alas, he didn't.

"These must be the archives." Willow said, gazing at the frozen people. She hoped for the same thing Gus did—to see her dads in the isles of puppets, but just like him, she saw no one.

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