59 ~ To Lose A Friend

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"I'll leave some titan's blood around the graveyard for you for when you go home and want come back. Just pour it onto the ground of the arch and it'll open a portal for you."

I think for a minute. The memories of the hanging, the bigotry, the hatred returning to me. "I- I don't know if I want to return home. It's.. not the kindest place. Besides, I-I like it here.!" I say.

Ellaline looks at me with a surprised face, as if she secretly thought I preferred the Human Realm.

"For the first time, I feel at home somewhere. And with you, it feels like everything is right."

She smiles at me, goodness, that smile. "Well, if you ever do return home and need a way back, I'll bury this in the ground for you." She tells me. "But I'd be glad to keep you around. You're the best company I've ever had. I really like you, big guy."

I smile with a minuscule blush on my face, "Thanks, I really like you too, Ells. I've never met a woman who liked to carve like me. It's really special- You're really special."

"marry me."

(Hunter had this dream and then immediately forgot it as soon as he awoke. But somebody else didn't.)


Amity stood in her Hecate costume, bearing a blue knee length dress and an orangy-red wig with a golden moon crescent crown. "All right. We'll keep the puzzle a secret 'till the time is right. And then we'll tell her about the Titan Blood!" She exclaimed, giddily as Luz stood far away, talking to her mother.

(Y/n) smiled and nodded. On their day out–before the Belos-debacle– they'd found out that the scroll was a rebus, or a puzzle of sorts leading to Titan blood.

Hunter smiled at (Y/n) as he admired her costume. She didn't like how short the skirt had been (Since it was one of those skimpy teen costumes), so he'd sewn some fabric onto the dress to make it longer for her. He was proud of his work and knew Darius definitely would be too.

The boy felt something walking around his feet, almost making him trip. "Woah, Pip! Don't do that, I don't want to step on you by accident!" Hunter chuckled as he picked up the small orange fox. "It's pretty busy here.. don't want anyone to step on you for that matter." He said, deciding to keep Pip in his arms rather than let him walk around anymore.

Hunter continued talk to the fox until he heard the sound of a husky laugh. A laugh he'd heard before come from his former "uncle." It made him shiver in the cold night's breeze as he stared in the direction it came from. "Did you hear that?" He asked Flapjack. The bird shook his head, no. "Hey, it's okay. It's probably just in my head again. Nestle down, Flapjack." Hunter told his palisman, uneasily as Luz walked over to the group.

Amity turned to her girlfriend, "We're gonna have the best night, and we might even have surprise for you."

"Yeah, me too." Luz replied with a tired voice that (Y/n) couldn't help but wonder what was up.

She was dragged out of her thoughts when Hunter's hand grazed her's, as if asking permission to take her hand into his. He'd held her hand before, it was nothing new, but it felt as though it was in a whole new context now. 

(Y/n) gladly intertwined their fingers and followed Gus towards the Haunted Hayride with the rest of the group in tow.

When they'd came out to the group about their new relationship, the group had reacted in wildly different fashions. They'd received a 'Wait you're not already dating?' from Willow, a 'Finally' from Amity, a 'Congrats!' from Luz and a 'Can I be the best man?' from Gus. But nevertheless, they were all happy for them.

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