"woah!" marco says, falling backwards. the arm swishes back and forth, marco puts the skull thing down onto the table and man arm grabs the head. "thank you!" marco calls out, he then covers the hole on the wall with a painting. "i was so bummed out, but you and y/n did everything you could to cheer me up, and then you met oskar" marco says.

~flashback 2~

terrible keyboard sound fill the air, and people are screaming its so bad. "make it stop! make it stop!" someone says. "no, no, no, no!" janna says. star looks over at oskar wide eyed, y/n is with her with earmuffs on (she made them with magic :) "skeeves, who is that fresh of breath air?" star asks.

"oh that degenerate is oskar greason, id stay away from him if i were you, that boy has a record" skeeves replies. "ohhhh, a record..." star says excitedly. "star, i know that look of yours.... star?" y/n says. y/n turns to oskar to see star sneaking up on him. "oh well" she says.

"ah ah ah ah, my car is a flying snail lets ride him far away, yeah to mermaids pools filled with puppies' drool and centaurs pulling candy sleighs, ah ah ah ah" oskar sings.

~end of flashback 2 part 1~

"Star!, can you please keep you fantasies out of my flashback?" Marco asks, splattering a wall with red paint. "Almost done" star says.

~flashback 2 part 2~

Star takes our some sticky notes and writes marcos number on it. She sticks the sticky note onto oskar's keytar. "Call me" star says, she sighs and slinks away.

Y/n had already left to go get some food.

~end of flashback 2 part 2~

Marco holds up a circular slide rule and star sighs. "I couldn't wait to talk to him" star says. While the flashbacks were going on y/n started making her own armor.

~flashback 3 part 1~

Marco and y/n are sitting at the table, and marcos playing on his phone. Star runs up the stairs and snatches marcos phone. "I'm expecting a phone call! From oskar" star says, tittering."Why don't you just give him the home line?" Marco asks.

"Mmm, I like your ring tone better" star says. "space unicorn, soaring through the stars" marcos ringtone says, and star bobs her head to the music. she giggles. "so cute" star says, running upstairs. y/n giggles too. "it is pretty cute" she says. marco sighs. "its supposed to be ironic" marco says.

star runs up to her room, with her wand in her mouth holding marcos phone. she sits down at a table, sets the phone down and stares at it. "space unicorn-" the ringtone says, as star quickly answers the phone. "hello?" star answers.

"hola, marco, its grandma" marcos grandma says. star hangs up and groans. star lies on her bed waiting for oskar to call. she laid there through the day. y/n came in to check up on her a few times to see her lying on her bed awaiting his call.

~end of flashback 3 part 1~

star is wearing the circular slide rule as a protective mask. "i guess i'm just not cool enough for a guy with a record" star says sadly. "are you kidding? you and y/n are the coolest girls i know!" marco says, looking over to y/n, whos now fully covered in some kind of armor

(imagine how you'd like it, has to be stuff you'd find in a garage though)

"woah, y/n how'd you do that?" star asks. "um well i uh don't exactly know hehe " y/n says. the shed shakes violently again, and star and y/n fall over along with everything on the shelves. "anyway you were so sad, it was my turn to cheer you up, and y/n wanted to help" marco says.

shining twins ~svtfoe y/n butterfly~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz