cheer up star

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Y/n, star, and marco are running from ludo's monsters, marco screams. "Woah!" Marco says. "Cupcake Blast!" Star shouts. A monster breaks off the head of a coyote statue that star y/n and marco were hiding behind. The three of them race to the open shed.

Ludo laughs. "We've got them cornered!" Ludo says, the monsters going over to the shed. Marco locks the door, and star and y/n use their wands to brighten up the shed. "How could I have been so stupid?" Marco asks himself. "I told you this was a bad idea, marco!" Y/n says, as marco pushes paint buckets to barricade the door, and goes to get a skull head thingy on a shelf.

"Marco y/n, what the heck is going on?" Star asks them. "Uh... this may be all my fault" marco says. "what?! what did you..." star stars, before she notices a three eyed monster peering through the window, she closes the blinds. "what did you two do?" star asks. "um.." both marco and y/n say. marco falls off the shelf and hands star the skull thing. "hold this, uh we're going need to make some armor" he says.

marco walks over to a work bench and y/n pretends to whistle. "marco? y/n?" star asks. marco puts on a protective mask. "Okay, where does dad keep his blowtorch?" Marco asks himself. The monsters outside shake the shed, and the blowtorch falls into his hand. "Heh heh there it is" marco says.

"Marco!" Star shouts. Marco pulls the mask down and turns the blowtorch on. "marco diaz!" star shouts. marco lifts up the mask and turns to star, who drops the skull. "what... is going... on?" star asks. "look, do you remember when i had that really bad day?" marco asks.

~flashback 1~

Marcos running trying to catch the school bus, panting. "Wait! stop!" Marco says, pounding on the school bus. Star opens a window from inside the bus. "Look at you, jogging to school, in the zone" star says to marco.

"I'm trying... to catch... the bus!" marco says, out of breath. "Got to keep your focus, i get it, stay in that zone" star says, before closing the window. The bus halts to a stop, and marco runs into the bus' stop sign. "Oof" marco says, falling on to the ground.

The bus driver opens the door. "Who punched my bus? Who does that? Bus never did nothin' to you" the bus driver says. "Ow.." marco groans and sits up. The bus door closes on his hood, and starts driving again, pulling Marco along. "Woah" marco says, panting.

marco jumps over a speed bump, causing his hoodie to rip, making him crash into a pile of trash. "oof.." marco says, groaning in pain. marco comes out of the trash, with a black eye. a guy on a bicycle rides up to him. "woah..." the bicycle guy says, laughing afterwards. "you kissed a ninja!" the guy says, continuing to laugh.

marco covers his shirt with a newspaper, and runs away. marco runs up to the school, and opens his black eye. "you have got to be kidding me, school picture day?!" marco says. "smile!" a girl says, taking marcos picture. marco groans. "i wanna go home" he says. "well well well, marco diaz" jeremy says. "not today jeremy" marco says.

"i came to give you a black eye for picture day, but apparently there's no need" jeremy says. "i said not today!" marco says, stamping his foot, accidently braking jackie's skateboard in half. "marco... you broke my... skateboard" jackie says. "ooh hoo hoo!" jeremy says. "jackie, i..." marco starts. "its fine marco, i'll just live with it" jackie says, rolling off on a half of her skateboard. "i think my work here is done" jeremy says.

~end of flashback 1~

"i'm sorry you had a bad day marco, but what does this have to do with right now? and how does y/n fit into this?" star asks marco. "i'm getting to that" marco says, sawing the skull thing. y/n meanwhile was sitting on the ground to not be seen by star or the monsters. man arm's arm crashes through the wall.

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