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it's been a week and you're still avoiding dohwa, not like he's trying to talk to you anyways. but you started talking more to su-ae again. you didn't know why you were avoiding her too before, when losing a friend over a boy is something you never want to happen to you. especially not with su-ae, since she has no clue about your..feelings for him.

but now it was after school, and you were walking out of the school later than everyone else—because you decided to stay for a bit to help your friend practice for her upcoming tournament.

you reach the school entrance and see a figure dressed in all black. you know better than to assume it's anyone else other than dohwa.

you try to speed walk past him so that you don't have to talk to him but you feel a hand on your wrist, making you stop.

"y/n, its me." he pulls down his black mask.

was he waiting for you? that's so cute...no wait you're supposed to be angry at him.

"ohhh i didn't even notice."

"cut the crap." he rolls his eyes. "why have you been avoiding me y/n?"

"me? avoid? i face my problems head on thank you very much!"

"okay, since you 'haven't been avoiding me'." he pauses, almost as if he way thinking of what to say. "...i have a favour to ask of you..."


"well...i invited su-ae to the movie theatres and after much convincing she said yes. but she only agreed because i told her it was going to be a double date. so...please come with us." he says with...confusion on his face??

sadness fills your body. he was only waiting outside for you to ask you on a double date.

"go find someone else, you have plenty of other friends." you try to shoo him away, being upset and all.

"but you're my only real friend. plus, you can bring eunhyuk." he winks playfully at you.

you try to hide the sadness and disgust that appears on your face but to no avail.

"me and eunhyuk are just friends..."

"then it can be a platonic date." he's determined.

"fine. i'll go if eunhyuk wants to." you finally agree, knowing eunhyuk wouldn't want to go on a date with you, platonic or not.



eunhyuk do you wanna go on a double date with me to the movies? 😍

wtf? no

okay thank god because i don't want to see dohwa flirting with su-ae

wait...su-ae's going on a date with dohwa?


im going.

omfg you stupid lover boy.



"it's official! we're going on a double date." you beam sarcastically.

"yay!" he claps his hands together. "i'll see you tomorrow at 3pm."

you roll your eyes in response, trying to distract yourself from the feeling of wanting to cry.

Sunlight | Baek Dohwa x ReaderUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum