A new chapter (please comment!)

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It was day one, in my new world, my new life.
A new chapter
I didn't know what this next part of my life would bring. What this next chapter would bring me.
Challenging times?
I didn't know... but all I could say, is; I didn't like change. I didn't like not knowing and having to guess too know. I didn't like that. I liked truth and knowing what's going to happen. Not for any reason other than; I think and worry too much.
I overthink everything.
Every wrong.
Every right.
Every mistake and error... hoping they can be fixed and fixable.
Even when sometimes they aren't.
That's just who I am.

Evelyn Collins. The 18 year old goth who overthinks and worries about everyone and everything... the one who, would happily give up her life to save her cat.

"Mum, I need to talk to you about the move!" Evelyn shouted up the stairs.

"Coming sweetheart!" her mum replied.

Evelyn looked down into the box she was packing and made a mental list in her head of everything she had packed, and everything she had yet to pack; ready for moving into her new home, with her mums new husband and her new stepbrother.

"What's the matter?" Sylvie, Evelyn's mum asked her.
"I just... the removal men said they'd be here in half an hour, and I need another box from the garage... could you just finish packing this one, please?" Evelyn pointed to the box in front of her, sat precariously on the edge of her bed.

"Of course darling, you go get the box, and I'll continue packing." Sylvie kissed her daughter on the cheek and got started on packing the flimsy box.

"Thanks mum" Evelyn said, and threw on her platform boots before making her way through the empty house, to the front door and to the end of the road... where their garage was located.
Just as she was halfway down the street, she saw a huge, black car roll up to her house.
"Must be my new 'family'." Evelyn scoffed to herself.
She didn't want to move from the home she grew up in, she didn't want to leave the life she'd known all of her life. She didn't want this change.
But... it made her mum happy, being with her new husband... so who was she to complain.
She had met her new 'dad'... he was a good man. Tall, kinda handsome... and her mum was lucky to have him. But her new "brother"... she hadn't met him yet. Everytime Evelyn and her mum went to visit, her stepbrother had always been out.
"Probably shoving his cock into some teenage girl." Evelyn thought.

She reached the garage and opened it up. She'd always loved their garage. Evelyn and her mum made it just how they wanted it. Navy blue walls... small red lights which cast a dark, almost mysterious glow over every surface. Illuminating the decor on the walls. The paintings and the pictures of her family and her cat. The comfy chairs and sofa with the soft rug in the middle of the floor. It was cosy... and perfect for just relaxing and spending time in your own company. Almost like a second home. And Evelyn definitely loved it more than she loved her own bedroom.

But, of course, with the move happening, it had all been packed up and the garage was now filled with furniture they no longer needed or wanted, and boxes were lining the walls and scattered over the soft rug.
Evelyn sighed, remembering all the times she spent in here. With her friends.
Her mum and dad.
And merely just on her own.
Memories that... Will just be memories.
Never to happen again.

Evelyn went to pick up a box, it was a medium box. Not too big, and not too small. Perfect for all her band t-shirts.
She dragged herself back to the house that she was moving out of... she would never walk up this street again. Never walk past her neighbours houses again. That thought... made her sad.
But no.
She wanted her mum to be happy, and she was happy that her mum had found someone that makes her happy. So, begrudgingly, she would move.

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