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[Hi, it's been a long time since I've written for my English audience. So, this book is a rewrite of 'Vampire! Bad sanses x F! Reader'.Well, let's see how much I've improved my skills.]
Warnings of chapter:.

1.The characters of the characters may not coincide with the canonical character
3.The author has not graduated from school yet, so mistakes in words and punctuation.[English is my second language]
-My Au.

!Made for entertainment purposes!


You moved out of your parent's house today. No, this is not the sad story you were beaten or humiliated. It's just that you've already grown up and should be independent.But before you left, you had a little argument with your parents about a simple thing.But it doesn't matter anymore, now a new life begins.A pleasant wind gently blows my hair that tickled my cheeks.I was standing on the doorstep of my little house.Yes, it's small, but it's enough for one person. Moreover, I snatched it at a discount, which is also good.Already sorting through the keys in my hands, I realize that I still need to clean up the house and put things away.Finally opening the door, I felt the smell of dust, but it was not disgusting to me, on the contrary, pleasant.Passing on, I looked around the rooms.The house was two-storied.On the second floor there is a bedroom with a bathroom in it, and on the first floor there is a kitchen, a living room and an empty, but huge room, should I make a library here?I'll think about it.There was also a courtyard, and then a forest, quite dense.Looking through these trees, it seemed to me that someone was there. Even goosebumps ran through my skin.I hope I just imagined it.Okay,I won't waste any time and going to clean up.Picking up a cloth and a bucket filled with water mixed with floor cleaner, I began to clean up.There was a lot of dust,it's immediately obvious that no one has been here for a long time.I was cleaning up, from early morning until evening. I think I will also have time to go to the store, because I was hungry,but my back also hurt, after long hours of cleaning.I should have rested, but still I went to the store.I bought some food and soda, well, what I had enough money for. Although it was only evening, but in this area it is getting dark faster than expected. But it's summer now.When I arrived, first, I heard a crash above me, that is, on the second floor in the bedroom.
What the hell!? I didn't leave the door open, did i?!"- At first I screamed loudly, which probably could have warned the thief or someone who is currently with me in the house. But then I became a whisper. Maybe it was a draft after all? I didn't know the answer, so I tiptoed to the second floor, praying that the old floor wouldn't creak.And yes, at some points it creaked, but not too loudly.Here I have already reached, picking up a vase, for self-defense. Abruptly opening the door to the bedroom, I looked around the room. There was no one. The window was open, yes, I was right, it was a draft.Today is my first day here, I shouldn't be scared of every little thing.Of course, the house is very old. Sighing heavily, I put the vase back in its place. However, I was uneasy. Well, where was I? Oh, right!I need to unpack my things. But it's too late, I should do it tomorrow.
Squeak?"-Wait what.Did something squeak? This sound took my attention, and I began to look around the room again.To my surprise, there was a bat here.Probably her or him flew through an open window, by the way, the window needs to be closed, and the bat should be outside
„Hello, little one, let me release you"-I tried to speak gently, so that it would not consider me a threat.I know absolutely nothing about bats.The small animal sat on the table. I tried to move carefully closer to take it.I almost got to him, but this asshole flew up to the ceiling. For a moment, the ceiling was quite high. So I can’t reach him. I have to resort to cruel methods. My weapon is a mop! [Poor Bat😨] That's it, bat, you're finished! A couple of moments later, and I was chasing this thing around the room, trying to kick it out the window, into the street. But this animal seemed to enjoy my suffering. I was very tired, it's completely dark outside, and this is the time to sleep. I wanted to go to bed early and sleep, but this bat spoils everything. What methods I just didn’t use.
Trying to talk (I know it's weird):
„Hey, let's make it easier for both of us, fly over there.”- I was pointing at the window that was still open. Maybe it will understand after all?Although it is unlikely that it will understand.At that moment, this animal was still looking at me with his grinning gaze. Jesus.Okay, it didn't work, of course.
The mop:
I was chasing this bat like crazy, trying to direct it out the window. As a result, I am very tired, this bat is still here, I accidentally broke the mop a little,by hitting it against the wall. Well, that is, not completely broken, but only the handle cracked, then i need to buy tape and fix a damaged mop with it.I also need to find a job just like I forgot about it...
As it is already clear, I could not expel this animal from my room.I'm tired.Leaning on the table, I thought, where can I work? This area is not very popular, there are few choices. Difficult.I can get a job in a store, but the salary is small. Also to the cinema, but only as a cleaner, which is also a small salary.
Argh, it's so complicated!”-I would like a job that would be closer to home. But there is no one that I like. I'll have to look somewhere far away.I'm so lazy!A bat that landed on my head distracted me from my thoughts.And it hurt.
Ow! Hey! Couldn't you have been more careful?”-A bat jumped off my head onto the table. What does she or he need again?Hah.To be honest, it looked strange, I've never seen bats with such coloring. There was something like black tears under his eyes.Maybe he got dirty somewhere?

(Yes, I drew it, please don't steal it

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(Yes, I drew it, please don't steal it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
„What?”-Why is it looking at me like that?Okay? Now it looks even more strange. Why am I talking to a bat, and it seems to understand me.What's going on with me?!
Squeak.”-And what does it say? As if I understand.I don't speak the language of bats. But it seems that he does not consider me a threat now. Yes, I can catch him now, but I repeat, I'm too lazy and I'm already tired. He'll fly out himself, someday. I'll have to leave the window opened.
Um, are you a girl?”-Well, why not? I wonder where it will go if I talk with bat?I'm smart <3. Ahem, the bat itself was silent, but it did not look, as if it did not understand. Maybe it really understands me?And who am I lying to!
„Aah, so you're a Boy?”-Why am I continuing this and what am I doing at all. What do I hope for? It looks stupid, very stupid. Why do I expect an answer from a bat, from an animal. It's small and dumb-
Squeak!”- What an actual FUC-
Ehm,Wow. It answered.Maybe just a coincidence? It's worth checking out.
„Do...you.. understand me?”-I do not know what to think about. It seems to me or not, or maybe it's a neighbor's tamed bat?Maybe because of this I understand it,Oh, I mean him.
Squeak”-Okay, maybe another coincidence, because I don't really believe that he understands me. What should I do with it?...I feel awkward and weird. It's like I'm not the danger here, but he is.
Do you want to stay here?”-Last check, why does it feel like I'm talking to a person reincarnated as a bat- And oh, I've read too many Manga.And oh my God, when the bat nods, iT ShAkeS iTs hEaD.FrEaKiNg GoSh.
nAhh Bro, you can't stay here, okay?Maybe another time, when we get more closer I guess?”-He was chirping something under his nose.It was as if he was talking to himself. Like a human.Very creepy to be honest.For me, he took off abruptly and flew out the window. Okay? What was that just now? I went to the window to see that bat through the darkness. Nope, not visible. Well, I closed the window and closed the curtains.Now it's time to sleep!

[1506 words]

So it's like test chapter, if people will like it I'll continue :]
Bye bye😃

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2023 ⏰

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