chapter 6: pub madness

Start from the beginning

Amber shook her head, looking at her friends with a sour face. A flask magically appeared from her jacket pocket, she tippled whiskey into everyone's drinks.

"No, she's not." Amber glared.
"Their Dad, right? Left when Sam was thirteen, Tara was eight. Once Sam turned eighteen, she moved out. And she did some pretty bad shit like take drugs and-"

"Amber, babe..."
Y/N shot her a stern look.
"Stop it."

The last thing that was needed right now was for Amber to put Sam's dark past on full blast. It wasn't her story to tell in the first place. Just as Amber was about to spike Wes's drink, he covered his cup.

"None for me. I'd like to not be drunk when Ghostface is out there slicing throats."

Y/N grimaced at the detail, looking at him weirdly. He shot her an awkward smile which made Amber roll her eyes.

"Don't be a prude, Wesley." Amber scoffed.

With lips pursued in a questioning look, Wes shifted his gaze at Amber, whose glares were still fully charged and ready to be unleashed.

"Why are you so pressed about Sam?" He probed.

"Sounds like a motive to me," Mindy declared, swaying her pool stick back and forth, impatient for her turn.

She was nearly bouncing at the sound of it. Motives were her favorite part of a horror movie; why the killers did what they did. It made them seem more human, almost relatable.

Y/N placed her hands on her girlfriend's shoulders, shaking her a bit, in hopes to loosen her up. With that, she faced Mindy.

"We're her best friends, Mindy. Of course we're superly duperly protective of her."

"We all want what's best for Tara," Liv backed her up.

Chad nodded, adding on to her statement. He raised his now spiked cup of coke.
"Yeah! For Tara!"

Wes, sipping his plain soda, took a minute before saying what he wanted. He just would not let it go. He glanced at the rest and then sharply turned his head to face Amber and Y/N.

"Soo you're pushing away anyone that tries to get close to Tara. Sounds pretty selfish if you ask me."

Y/N was caught off guard by Wes's comeback. Never before had she gotten into such an argument with him. Since the moment he and Tara met, everyone has known he had feelings for the young Carpenter.

He could have kept his frustration to himself at the fact that Tara was unaware of his feelings and that he was too cowardly to act on them. Instead, he was always striking up arguments.

"Yeah? Well, no one asked you," she retorted, thinking how unreasonable he was acting.

Amber chuckled at her girlfriend's sudden outburst, fully supportive of it.

Wes was about to spit another sarcastic response but they were suddenly interrupted.

"Oh for fucks sake. Vince is here," Liv groaned, her hands flying to grip Chad's shoulders.

They all stopped what they were doing to whip their heads towards the direction Liz was staring in. She was correct. It was the greasy slimeball from school earlier.

He was clearly intoxicated, with glassy eyes and a sloppy walk. He was in his mid-20s, with unkempt brown hair and a scruffy beard. He wore another loose button up, a stained white t-shirt and ripped jeans, giving off an overall disheveled appearance.

He had an air of entitlement and arrogance, evident in the way he walked towards their table the second he and Liv made eye contact, despite everyone's clear discomfort.

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