"People change. War, death, it changes people."

"That there-" He pointed at Percy. "Is my brother Percy. He isn't doing so well; he feels guilty about what happened."

"I felt guilty about my sister's death for years, even had to go to therapy for it." She said as she scooted down, so she could lay her head on the pillow. Fred followed her lead and laid down, both turning so they could face each other. Fred didn't say anything, he just lifted his hand and let it hover over her face, her cheek. She locked her eyes with his as he 'cupped' her face, tracing his thumb of her jaw. She had to fight the urge to lean in.

"It feels like, I've known you forever." He whispered.

"Yeah, I know what you mean."

"I wish I could touch you."

She brought up her hand and traced the lines of his nose. "Me too." She whispered back.

They were so focused on each other they didn't see George standing in the doorway looking at them, or at least at her. George stood frozen as the she whispered to the empty space.

"I wish George could see you, hear you." She said dropping her hand between them. George felt an immense wave of love and sorry for the girl. Love for what she was doing for them, hurt because she can see him as a ghost and connect with his family but never had the chance with her own sister. George slipped back into the hallway and crossed to the front door in just a few large steps. He slammed the door shut, loud enough for them to hear as he walked to the table with their food. Leah came out, looking at the food hungerly. "What did you bring?"

"I hope you like pizza."

"Love it, but I eat almost everything."

"A girl of my own heart." He grinned, pulling an arm around her. Fred looked at them as he stood a few steps behind them, watching how his twin could touch her, how she could touch him.

During dinner, Fred was quiet as George and Leah talked about the shop, and about his Hogwarts days. Fred held back in a laugh as George tried to explain quidditch to her after she asked about the picture in Fred's room. Looking at Leah's face, it was obvious she didn't understand a thing about it. When they were nearly done with dinner a knock came from the door.


"Come in." He called back, the door creaked open, and Hermione appeared.

"Hey, George. I just-" She looked up for a ledger in her hand and was shocked at the sight in front of her. George was wearing clean clothes and transfigured his hair back to its original state. When she looked past George's new look, she saw Leah sitting at the table across from him. "I'm sorry, I didn't want to interrupt." She said already backing up. "I just finished closing up shop and updated the booking. You two enjoy your date."

"Hermione, this isn't what it looks like." But she was already out the door. Leah and Fred looked at each other both surprised at the change of events. Both knowing exactly what's going on. "Fuck."

"Go after her, explain." Leah said, waving at the door.

"And what do I tell her? What do I say to her on why you are here?"

"Make something up, lie, say I'm looking to invest, anything."

"Invest? Yeah, that could work."

"Go then!" Leah nearly pushed him out of his chair. George stood up and ran down the steps. "You didn't tell me they were a thing."

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