- Chapter Three -

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Oh goodness, you guys are really liking this story. I didn't think that this would get that popular, but then I realised that this fandom is trending severely on the internet.

"Oh silly, I already told you! You're in my world!" Y/N was furrowing his eyebrows at Wally, "Can I get out?" Wally's face was unreadable and blank, then he smiled. "You can't leave, you just got here!" Y/N was not happy with this comment. "You kidnapped me and took me to this- i don't even know what this is." Said Y/N looking at the very colourful trees and the bright sky. "Well, this is where you live now! It's a lot better than the real world! If you die here, you could come back, but if you died in the real world, you would be gone forever. I could resurrect you so we can hang out forever with our friends!"

"Are you serious? What if I want to die? You have to die at some point, you can't live forever." Wally shrugged, "I don't see the appeal of dying." Wally's face went blank again. "If you dont want to stay here with me, torture is always a good method to make you listen." said Wally, staring at Y/N.

Taking a step back, Y/N felt his heart and stomach drop. He was getting shaky, and was speechless. 'This dude is crazy, there is no way he is being serious.' thought Y/N to himself.

Suddenly Frank walked up to the two and smiled brightly. "Hello everyone! Howdy was wondering if everyone would like to hang out at the little cafe!" (I don't think there is a cafe of some sort, but I am adding one for a cool plot) Wally looked upset, "I'm sorry Frank I can't make it. I have to finish some chores and clean Home. I didn't clean yesterday." said Wally, looking disappointed. Frank then looked at Y/N. "I would love to go!" said Y/N. Anything to get away from Wally. "Great!" exclaimed Frank. They walked together and Wally walked to Home.

The two were walking and Y/N looked over to Frank, "Hey, have you ever noticed Wally ever being 'possessive'?" Frank looked slightly nervous and they cleared their throat. "Well, it's funny that you say that Y/N." they start to fix their tie, "He has been talking about this person, and I guess you were the guy. He would sigh at sunsets and say that he was thinking of his dream boy." said Frank nervously. Y/N felt nervous and uneasy. That is just what he wanted to hear.

They arrived at the colourfully decorated Cafe and they walked in. There were his friends sitting at a circular booth table. They were laughing and talking together. The closer that Frank and Y/N got, the louder they got. Eddie spotted them and waved them over. Smiling, Frank sped up and Y/N kept in tempo with Frank's steps.

Arriving at the table, the group smiled and greeted the two. Eddie motioned for Frank to sit next to him, and they did so, slightly blushing. Julie was on the other side of the booth, and she was wanting Y/N to sit next to her. He did so politely and she smiled brightly at him.

A waiter had walked up to the table and handed them menus. "I think I'm going to get something sweet!" said Howdy, pointing at the menu. "Oh me too!" said Julie and Y/N together. They laughed and Julie put her arm around Y/N. "oh my we are twinsies!" She said loudly. She let go and they figured what sweet treat that they were going to get. Poppy said she was going to get a salad, and Frank and Eddie were going to be sharing a sandwich, and Sally got herself a fruit salad, and Barnaby

When everything was ordered, the waiter left and everyone went back to talking. Y/N was still thinking about the whole conversation with Wally, and that Frank and everyone else had seen Wally act like this before he arrived here. He wondered if he went into the forest surrounding the neighbourhood, he would possibly break through this and glitch into the real world somehow. Would the idea work? He didn't know but he really wanted to test and see. Maybe he will try and soften up to everyone, and then sneak out.

Y/N focused back into the conversation and Barnaby was apparently telling a funny story to the group. They were all laughing, and Julie was tearing up. She was leaning on Y/N and couldn't catch her breath. Seeing everyone else made Y/N laugh. He really needed this.

After a while, the waiter came back with their food, and they had begun eating. They were still making talk, it was just less of a jumble of people talking.

Everyone had finished and they were walking outside of the cafe. There was a nice breeze, and the sun felt like it was on their skin. Y/N sighed and saw Julie running up to him wrapping her arms around his own arm. She smiled and they continued to walk. "You know, I'm glad that you came to Welcome Home. Wally said that you have been wanting to move here for a little bit, and then you arrived!" Julie sounded so happy about this. Y/N chuckled. He didn't want to let Julie know about the reason why he arrived there. He took this information that Julie gave him and concluded that Frank is possibly the own one who knows about Wally's weird behaviours.

They continued to walk until they got to Y/N's house. She hugged him and kissed him on the cheek as a friendly gesture. They bid one another goodbye, and she walked away happily. Y/N entered his home, and it didn't feel right. He felt that something wasn't right. He looked around his house and didn't see anything unusual. "I might still be freaked out. Wally was just joking, ugh this place is weird." said Y/N rubbing his eyes.

He walked to his couch and opened a new sketchbook that was on the coffee table. There was writing on the front of it.

"Welcome Home Y/N! We are all so glad that you came here to stay with us! Wally told us that you were something special, and I'm glad that we have you here with us! I cannot wait to meet and talk with you!"

The note was from Julie. Y/N thought that Julie seemed to like him a lot. He didn't really know how to take this, but he knew that she meant him no harm. He flipped another page in the sketchbook, and there was red writing scribbled on the next page. He couldn't read all the words, but he was able to make some out. It definitely was Wally. There were small sentences that said 'He is mine' 'I can't wait for him to show up' and it made Y/N's stomach churn.

He ripped the page out and tore it up. He then threw it in the trash. He was tired of this place and he needed to get out of here. He decided that he was going to leave tonight.

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