Chapter 4

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Oof sorry for depressing intro hehe i forgot to tag the certain person


Oop oki bye let's start the chapter 4

Lemme name this chapter

Willing Null be able to take Clock home safely ☺️

Oof i should have started


Null was taking me home today, he seemed as nice as he was to me, When taking me to home It's started to raining, Null fastly pulls out the Umbrella.

2 of us were under the Umbrella, What a hilarious romantic scenery. I don't think it's romantic though-

But then the Rain getting worse, it's really worse that the Umbrella even fall away- Null fastly takes me under the tree and we were hiding under the tree. We wait until the rain stops but it's seems like it's getting worse.

I see a similar student i saw at school, wait a minute.. Wait it's Lukas! He were walking in the Rain really chill, I don't know where he was going but he doesn't seem to care what's happening right now.

I watched him walking to somewhere while Null's head was on my shoulder all the times. Oh he was walking into the forest. I don't know what's he going to do in the forest. My curiosity started to take over me. I want Null to come with me too- since I already said that I'm scared that I'm going to get ripped off by him-

After watching him going into the forest, I asked Null if we can going into the Forest, he said "No it's *glitches* too *glitches* dangerous! we *glitches* don't know*glitches* what's inside *glitches* there!"

Null keeps distracting me from going into the forest, So i gave up my plans and still stay under the tree. We talking about things but It's raining so heavy and we barely can hear so we stay quiet all the time.

After the rain stops, The night has already arrived. But we still walking to home as usual. But then when we're on the street that's where my house was there, Null slipped on the floor and his head hurts, so I take him to Hospital but he said that he doesn't want to go to hospital, instead I take him to my house and bandaging his head.

When I finished bandaging his head we ate the Dinner together, well I don't really know to how to cook so ye- Null help me cook but he accidentally burnt the pan but we still continue cooking.

We have Hernesupp Suitsukoodiga (IDK IF I SAY IT IN ESTONIAN RIGHT-) It's been my favourite for a long time so ye- It's kind of delicious but I still enjoyed It with Null :)

Why the hell I feel like someone is watching me through the window again- but I still don't care and keep eating, Null asks if he can sleep with me tonight, I said yes because I guess he's now losing his way to home so yep-

He wants to sleep with me but I don't like when someone is sleeping with me so I let him sleep in the separate room instead- ah shit i should go to bed now- Null is staying with me tonight.

Question : What's going to happen next when Null was sleeping?

Words count: 556

Fanfic for @estonianbread on picsart 😭😭जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें