2. Violation of the rules

Start from the beginning

When she got to her room, Sarah looked in the mirror, her eyes were a little red, and the bruises under her eyes suggested that it was time to get more than two hours of sleep. Stepping away from the mirror, mourning a grimace of disgust at herself beforehand, you sat down on the windowsill, looking in the mirror. She wanted to be free. The girl thought that at least here she could feel good, but apparently there is no such place in the world for her. Closing your eyes, you leaned against the window, but it suddenly opened and you would have flown down, but your eyes began to glow purple, this power was able to hold you back.

What's going on?!

Sarah could feel that power in her. The gift had manifested itself! Only what exactly it consisted in...we must find out.

She put on her sweater and left the room, though it was against the rules to go to the library at night, but curiosity was stronger. Sneaking past the offices, the girl reached the library, with a creak you opened the door, you went in and looked around, it felt like you could see everything. Rummaging through the shelves, you found what you were looking for. The glowing eyes meant that you could possess several abilities that others could not master. For example, mind reading, but it could also be that the power would be much stronger if you combined it with the person whose eyes glowed the same color.

"I hope no one will mind if I borrow the book for a little while", - Sarah walked quietly out of the library and into her room, trying not to make any noise. Suddenly, you heard the familiar clatter of a cane coming closer. Looking around, you found a corner to hide behind, so you did. Lesso was approaching, and your heart was already ready to jump out of your chest. Hastily, you tried to hide the book in the inner pocket of your blouse. But before you can do that, you feel strong hands pressing you harder against the wall. Hitting your back painfully, you hiss in pain.

"Sarah?! What are you doing here?", - you didn't answer her, fear took hold of you so much, it was impossible to breathe, let alone speak. "I see, you won't answer me. Tomorrow we'll talk in my office, hopefully there, you'll answer all my questions!", - taking her hands off your shoulders, she just walked away, and only then the girl exhaled.

After all that had happened, Sarah quickly ran off to her room, where she began to read about her power, how to use it, and what, in principle, it possessed. You tried to turn into some kind of animal, but so far you got a black cat and a bug.

In the morning, already packed, you went to breakfast, where you drank a glass of sweet tea and had a snack of a green apple. Your mood was much better, which was hard not to notice. It felt like you were glowing, which pissed a lot of people off.

"Hey, reader! What's so funny, did Lady Lesso sleep with you after all!", - such jokes haunted the girls after Dean started giving more work to just her.

"Hey, how well did you sit and cry yesterday, screaming 'mommy, get me out of here'?!", - you ask, how did she know that? One of the powers is mind-reading. Everyone started laughing at the guy, and someone whistled. It's going to be different from now on.

Walking up to the guy, leaning over, you whispered in his ear, squeezing his shoulder with such force that it was about to break. "One more joke like that, and your life will turn to hell", - he stood up and shouted.

"How dare you! Scum like you will die in the first seconds you walk out of school!", - your eyes ran purple. "Good! Let's find out, then, here and now!", - your noise caught the attention of those around you, but it didn't matter, anger was running through your veins.

Moving away from the tables, the guy stood in front of you and you looked him in the eye, he began to attack, trying to hit you with the lightning bolts he was firing. Just as Sarah missed one of his attacks, a lightning bolt hit your arm, but that wasn't all. His eyes glowed purple and the people around him started screaming, which got the deans attention. Revenge.

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