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Being alone was not what Xavier feared. The one that he feared was the feeling of being lonely.

"I still hate you, to be honest."

Xavier stirred his hot coffee casually. It was a cloudy morning on the weekend. His apartment was very quiet as usual, serene and peaceful. Maybe the sound of candy wrappers being opened could be heard echoing throughout the room.

Xavier was used to this kind of silence and loneliness, until someone named Julian Smith came into his life.

The clinking sound filled the air when Xavier tapped the spoon on the mouth of his coffee cup. He reminisced the words that came out from his best friend's mouth—ah, it was better to call him his former best friend. Xavier's mind drifted, being nostalgic for the incident at the other day.

Xavier looked straight at the red-haired young man who was sitting in front of him.

"I didn't expect you to be that honest, Julian." Xavier replied. He couldn't accept that red-haired man's word. After Julian disappearing for quite a long time, and cut out their friendship one-sidedly, the first sentence Xavier heard from him was that he hated him.

"I thought you would realize it when you met me, but you only looked at me with those cynical eyes." Julian narrowed his eyes, glared at Xavier.

"First of all, my eyes have been looking like this since I was born. It was unintentional to look at you with a cynical gaze. And, realizing on what, did you actually mean?"

"Your mistake." Julian clenched his teeth.

"I still cannot get it." Xavier shook his head, confused.

"At least say 'hello' to me. Usually, you'll greet me first when we meet. Lately you have always been quiet whenever we meet, ignoring me like I am the one who was in fault all this time."

"That wasn't my intention. You always looked at me with that unpleasant look even though I didn't know what was happening. So, I chose to ignore you, letting you to cool down your head." Xavier sighed. "Alright, next time I'll make sure to greet you properly when we meet."

"That's not the point!" Julian groaned in frustration. "Back to the beginning, you still have much time to think again about what was your mistake!"

Xavier sipping his coffee, without any sound.

Julian Smith had been his best friend, ever since they were going to the same university. It was quite a shock to hear, at first. Everyone knew Xavier wasn't a very sociable person to begin with. Being his acquaintance was lucky enough, let alone being considered as a best friend.

Xavier's mind was nostalgic, once again. Remembering how his first meeting with Julian was, in the campus auditorium. How that red-haired young man asked him to have a chat first, and ended up brainstorming together. Julian told him lots of jokes, and also pacified him when he was down. Julian also liked to invite Xavier to play games together. Like the usual friendship, they did quarrel sometimes, but were quick to make up too. Xavier's world sure changed, after Julian came into his life.

Came to think about it, Xavier did miss this friend a little.

And he hated the feeling of loneliness that slowly grew in his heart.

Xavier couldn't stop his mind into thinking of how all of this could've happened. It was almost two months they didn't communicate properly. Began with the two of them rarely communicating and ended up with Julian said he hated Xavier. Xavier was puzzled, he just couldn't get what made that young man kept a distance from him.

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