"My lady, you return to us. Is everything well?" One of the guards at the gates to Cent spoke. The last time Sigyn was here she had given birth; she had burned Saxon's alive. Proved she was a force to be reckoned with. Even in her weakened state and now even with a child strapped to her chest, she would fight.

"I wish to raise an army, soon King Edward will reclaim these lands. I have made peace with that. But I wish for a home for my children. Rumcofa was supposed to be that home, but it was burned to the ground. Yet there is hope. We may live in peace in Bebbanburg." She smiled down at her sleeping babe. "Whoever is willing to fight for me, one last time. They will be well compensated. I promise this."

"We will follow you anywhere. We promised this all those years ago. I will gather the men and we will leave whenever you are ready." He left to keep his word and gather the men. Sigyn walked the grounds, probably for the last ever time. Of a home that was truly never hers.

It was a few hours later when all but ten of her men and women gathered in the town. She had forgotten how many people had followed her over the years. The streets littered with able warriors. All of them willing to give their lives in her name. She knew deep down in her heart that this was probably her last battle. Her last fight. She wanted to be a mother, a grand mother and grow old with her husband. Or die valiantly in battle so she could join the Gods in the halls of Valhalla.

"Soon Uhtred will attempt to reclaim his home, Bebbanburg. The Saxon that holds the lands now has powerful allies, an army within his walls and more soldiers set to arrive. The men do not know any of this, they will be heading into a trap. They will all be slaughtered, and I will not allow the Gods to give my family that fate. If we move to join Uhtred's army, he will have a fighting chance. King Edward has all but sworn to fight beside him too." The soldiers were hanging onto every single word she spoke. They had all fought beside Uhtred before; he was a fearless warrior. "We leave to make the journey to find Stiorra. My spies tell me she is in the forests surrounding Eoferwic."

Everyone had agreed

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Everyone had agreed. Most warriors bloodthirsty for another battle after remaining stagnant in Cent for too long. She returned to the great hall, a home she had shared with her second husband all those years ago. How unhappy she had been. And now she had a family, a reason to fight and survive. She had fed Osferth and bathed him in the warm waters before they both finally attempted to get some sleep. Her child nearly a year old and still yet to meet his father. It broke her heart, but she had to think straight. She had to focus on the upcoming battle. Fight for her future. The future of her family.

The sun broke, the sounds of the birds singing waking the whole town from their slumber. After feeding the babe once more, she changed into her armour. Tying the corset to her body rightly and then padding out the sling before placing Osferth against her again. She wouldn't take her son into battle, but until she found someone, she could trust to watch over him as she fought. The child would remain close.

There were no more words exchanged as the warriors climbed onto their horses. The lands of Cent emptying of its soldiers. Only a few loyal guards and the townspeople remained inside its gates.

Bloody Revenge | Sigyn x Sihtric Kjartansson | The Last KingdomUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum