chapter 15

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TW: E/D, mention of E/D

Tommys pov
I woke up in the most comfortable bed I've ever been on I felt someone next to me turning around I saw Wilbur
I really wished I had this as a little kid...
He started to shift a little so I frozen not trying to wake him up.

Finally I got out the room without waking him up so I made my way down stairs and decided to make them breakfast to
Making eggs, sausage and pancakes
I only made enough for them two I mean
DO!? I look like a dead man if I eat anymore I would literally kill myself

Time skip
Wilburs pov
I woke up in a bed alone the beautiful smell of breakfast I never new Quackity could cook so I went down stairs to say hi but I didn't see the short blacked hair person
That always where's a beanie.  But i see Tommy Cooking like there's no tomorrow
Seeing him genuinely happy makes me happy, for some reason I know this kid had a hard life growing up and seeing someone who's been through so much. And smile at something they love so much makes my world more better. But then I guess he sense me because he looked back at me
"Oh hi Wilbur" He said smile fading away
"Uh- hello Tommy" I walked over to him to get a better look at what he was making and I'm not stupid I new he only made it for me and Quackity. "Hey I just wanna ask but this only looks like it's made for only two people...." He looked to the side with his eyes only staring at me with no expression
"Ya that because it's only for you and
Quackity" I gave him an sad face before answering him "why not make some for you?" Tommy did answer me. just looked
Back at the food he was making and continued doing what he was doing

I sat down on the couch just thinking.
I then heard foot steps coming
Looking up at Quackity rubbing his eyes
"Hey Wilbur are you the one that's cooking?" He said sitting down next to me
"Nah Tommy is" He stopped for a minute and his face fulled up with joy "are we going to have like a family dinner. Oh I haven't had one of those in awhile"
I hate to burst your bubble but he's not eating. When I tried asking he just looked away" I glanced at Quackity and I can see his little frown "I think I know what his problem is, it's messed up but it the only thing I can think of" I turn curious of what it was "I think it's an eating disorder"
Now I get it Quackity told me he wasn't hungry yesterday and now he not hungry today "I see. We should not pressure him to much but push himself to take little bits"

Tommys pov
I can hear them talk but can't hear what there saying  I bet it's about me. I really do hope they like the food tho. after they eat 
I'm going to call ran and tell him if he can pick me up

They got done eating breakfasts and started telling me how good it was and started smothering me with compliments,
I will say it was weird but I kinda liked getting complemented I've already called Ranboo and sent the address I honestly really feel like I'm home I feel like I have two dads and they found me and adopted me. But it's to good to be true...
I heard come from down stairs"OKK IM ALMOST DONE" as i was getting all my stuff i released what Quackity said wait!?.I don't got a boyfriend!. I ran as fast as i could to them with my bag full of my stuff and attacked Quackity "YOU BITCH HES NOT MY BOYFRIEND!!!" He laughed as I blushed looking up to see Ranboo staring down at me giggling "well hello to you to Tommy~"
He said in a smoth voice "h-hi Ranboo..."
I said Blushing badly "God I miss you so much" He said walking towards me and cuping my face with his two palms looking at me with loving eyes and starts to kiss every inch of my face giving me a little peck on the lips "oh- my~ uh ha I don't know what to say- I guess I miss you too~"

"You don't need to say anything love and today is going to be just you and me~"
As soon as he said that my face was burning up he grabbed me and thrown me over his shoulder squeezing my thigh a little bit. Full of embarrassment I look to see what Quackity and Wilbur are up to and all I see is smug looks in their faces
"Well I'm going, I got some love to give thank you for taking care of him" he waves them good bye leving out the door

Time skip to Ranboo's house
Ranboo unlocked the door immediately and closed it grabbing my waist and throwing me onto the couch, he jumps on top of me and starts kissing my neck And face. I giggled on how much it tickled
"I miss you soooo much" He wrapped his arms around me tightly

                           "I miss you to..."

I made this short because I got
0% time in my hands
But did you guys miss me ;>

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