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We walked into Noah's house and he sat our things down in a bench by the door. "You thirsty?" Noah asked me helping me get my hoodie off, I was high asf so I didn't think much of it. "Yea what you got?" "Shit you wanna take some shots?" He said smirking. "Uh sure." I said kinda nervous. "Alr go upstairs. My bedroom is the 3rd door on the left, The one with the double doors." He said walking towards the kitchen. "Ok." I said going upstairs adjusting my t-shirt. I walked into his room and took my shoes off and sat them in the shoe rack next to the door.

I sat on his bed and scrolled on my phone, a few minutes later he walked in with 4 shots. "What is it?" I asked. "Vodka" he said downing his 2. I took mine and my body started getting hot. I usually don't drink because I get real horny even from the slightest sip of anything. "I'm gonna change real quick." I said hopping up. "You need to borrow some clothes?" Um, I have  shirt..it's a crop top..but I can borrow one of your shirts if it'll make you uncomfortable." "Nah you good. Go grab your shirt and I got some shorts for you. "Ok" I said smiling as I made my way downstairs.

- Noah's pov -

As soon as he left the room I jumped up and walked into my closet. I searched on all my shelves and drawers. But, I couldn't  find what I was looking for. I checked the last place I could think of, I walked over to my dresser next to my bathroom door. I haven't opened this thing since I was like 15, I grabbed a pair of black athletic Nike shorts. "Yea his ass gon be bussin out if these." I said licking my lips. I threw on my bed then walked back to my closet picking out some clothes for myself. I just grabbed a white beater and some black, white and grey plaid pajama pants. 

They real loose if I don't tie em up but they still show my print. I got dressed and by that time kam was headed back into the room. "Yo shorts right here." I said nodding my head towards my bed where I sat them at. "Alright thanks." He said taking his clothes into the bathroom. "Damn just change in here" I thought to myself. I slid back onto my bed scrolling on my phone. A while later Noah walked out, ass nearly rippin out them shorts. He sat down in the bed, lookin at me. As soon as I seen his ass in them shorts I got bricked up. I tried to make it as Un-noticeable as possible but my shit was just to hard. 

-Kam's pov-

I sat on the bed next to Noah as he turned the tv on, I noticed he was hard asf so I knew now was time to shine. "Watch you wanna watch? He asked me rubbing on his brick. "Uh something scary" I said slipping under the covers. "Bet, we finna  watch X. You know the one wit Jenna Ortega?" He asked joining me under the covers. "Yea" I turned into the move and turned my phone off.I felt myself dozing off as I yawned. "Damn you tired already?" Noah asked laughing, "yes" I said chuckling. I felt my eyes get heavy and before I knew it I was sleep just a few inches from Noah.

-Noah's pov-

"Fuck this nigga done fell asleep, Fuckin up my plan and shit. It's whatever." I thought to my self as I adjusting the cover on us. I was feeling myself get tired to plugged both of our phones up on my chargers and fell asleep.

- 2 hours later -

I woke up to my me and kam cuddling, I contemplated going back to sleep but thought I'd just lay back down for a bit. I reached over and grabbed my phone unlocking it seeing I had a text from lex about 10 minutes ago. I opened it too see what should texted me for.

Lex: hey have you heard from kam at all? I've been blowing his phone up like crazy 

Me: yea, he wit me. He sleep rn.

Lex: oh ok. Just tell him too call me when he wakes up.

Me: 👍🏽

As I was putting my phone down kam rolled over and wrapped his arms around me. I didn't really know what to do so I froze for a me "damn you hugging the shit out of me." I said laughing. "Mm" kam said scooting closer too me, I could tell he was still sleep. But, I was gonna enjoy this one way or another. I slid my arm under him wrapping it around his waist. I started to doze back off when I felt him wake up, "what the.." he said kinda muffled because his face was buried in my chest. "Oh my bad" I said backing up, "we're we sleep like that?" He asked sitting up and adjusting his self. "Um, yea it must've happened while we were sleep." I said scratching my head. "Oh..ok, I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable.." he said looking down.

-Kam's pov-

"Nah your good if anything I slept better than usual.." Noah said laughing. I joined him in laughter before I got up and headed towards the bathroom. I used it and went back out sitting on his bed. "Lex texted you..but uh, can we talk?" He asked sounding nervous. "Yea of course..what about?" I said sitting my phone down a down turning my Attention to him. "Ok but, you can't tell anyone about this shit kam I'm for real." I looked at him with same face of confusion, "ok..are you alright?" I asked scooting a bit closer to him. "Yea.. I uh..I don't really know how too say this.." he said looking down. "Just say whatever you feel comes naturally.." I said looking into his eyes.

"I'm bi." He said with a straight face, I didn't know what too say. So, I just sat there. It was a long silence before I said "that's fine, I support you no matter what.. I mean I am gay." I started laughing but he didn't. "You don't get what I'm trying to say.." he said holding his emotion. "So, what do you mean.." I said looking at him. We locked eyes for a minute, "I..I like you.." he said before leaning in and kissing me.


So what do y'all think about this chapter??

Kam & noah??

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