Conclusion of Preliminary

Start from the beginning

Minato: *SHOOOK AF*

Kushina: Wh..what the fuck?


Mito: What the hell are those eyes?

Y/N: I don't know, but I'll give them their name now. I'll call them Mozō-me the Imitation Eyes. So far I've copied three bloodlines including these chains of the Uzumaki clan.

This again shocked everyone. Y/N the deactivate his Dojutsu as the chains go back into his body.

Mito: Why did you deactivate it?

Y/N: I will not fight you with your bloodline, it would be disrespectful if I did. Now let's resume the fight.

The two resumed the fight exchanging blows. The two parted and both did their individual jutsu.

Mito: Wind Release: Vacuum bullet!

Y/N flipped and dodged the jutsu and did handsigns.

Y/N: Water Release: Water spears!

Mito dodged and threw kunai and shuriken towards Y/N which he avoided by sunshin. He appeared behind Mito crouched down and his palm rested on the back of Mito's right hip.

Mito: *tomato blush* What... Do you think this is a joke!?

Y/N: *one handed hand signs* Wind release: Focus Shockwave!

From his right palm burst out a Shockwave blasting Mito away rolling as she went and only stopped when she hit the wall. Mito was now on the ground knocked out.

Hayate: The winner, Y/N L/N!

No one cheered due to shock and awe.

Kiba: Woah what was that jutsu!? He just sent her flying!

Hayate: Hokage-sama, if you would.

Minato: Ah, yes... Alright everyone I will now explain the last exam.

POV change. With Orochimaru.

Kabuto: Orochimaru-sama, the preliminary has ended and they will soon start the main event.

Orochimaru: I see, that good. The fall of Konoha will soon come. And then I will claim my reward.

She said licking her lips while thinking of a certain black haired boy.

Orochimaru: 'Soon Y/N-kun, soon you will be mine'.

Scene Change

The finals placements went as canon except Y/N chose to fight twice against Satsuki and Neji because the numbers were un-even. After a while they met up at Satsuki's hospital room and the sensei's talked about their training. Naruko and Mito would be trained by Kushina and Kakashi would train Satsuki, which left the other two without a sensei for training.

Sakura: Sensei, what about Y/N and I, who are we going to train with?

Kakashi: For you Sakura, since you have great chakra control, I would recommend you train your genjutsu and healing ninjutsu. I talked with Kurenai and she had agreed to help you out, for your healing arts, I suggest you do volunteer work in the hospital.

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