The Forest Of Death

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In front of a massive forest stood a bunch of genins behind a fence looking around admiring the dense forest. One of them was Naruko along with team 7.

Sakura: This place looks really creepy.

They then heard someone laugh, they looked at where the laugh came from and saw the instructor for their second exam. She made a smirk and said.

Anko: You're all going to see firsthand why they call this the first of death.

After saying this, the other genins were tense and that's when Naruko said the same thing in a mocking manner.

Naruko: Like that's going to work, you're just trying to psych us out, but I'm not gonna fall for it!!

She screamed. The instructor smiled and said.

Anko: Is that so? You're pretty cocky aren't ya?

She then took out a kunai and threw it at Naruko going past her. The instructor then appeared behind Naruko licking the blood from her cheek which freaked out the blonde. Suddenly Anko felt a presence behind her and took out another kunai about to attack but saw that it was one of the participants with her elongated tongue wrapped around Anko's kunai.

Creepybitch: Your kunai.. you dropped it.

Anko: ... Uh thanks. Stop standing behind me radiating blood lust. Unless you wanna die early.

The creepy bitch walked back to her group.

Creepybitch: I'll try to keep it under control... But the sight of fresh blood makes me crazy. Plus I was already annoyed that some strands of my hair was cut.

Sakura: 'We got a real nutcase proctoring our exam, this isn't good. And that other person.'

Anko: Alright listen up, before we start the exams you'll have to sign these papers before the first death occurs. Sign them before you go in so we won't be held liable, you would wanna get me in trouble would ya?~♡

Timeskip: begining of the 2nd exam(still the same as canon btw).

Scene change: Team 7

Y/N: Hey guys gather up, I need to tell you all something.

Team 7 huddled up together.

Naruko: What's up Y/N?

Mito: Yeah, you got a plan or something?

Satsuki: hn.

Sakura: ??

Y/N: Before we went to the exams, our sensei's spoke to me, they said that for the second exam I would have to go solo.

Team 7-satsuki and Y/N: What!? Why?

Y/N: Well they said that four was already unfair, so five man teams are not allowed, so they told me to go solo untill the end of the exam.

Mito: I see, I guess that makes sense. But why you? Not any of us?

Anko: Alright everyone, follow your proctors to your respective gates, when the signal sounds in half an hour the exam will begin.

Y/N: I guess I'll see you guys later then. Stay safe.


The second exam of the ninja selection begins... NOW!!!

With that signal, teams began to enter the forest of death and began the Chunin survival exam.


After a few minutes of jumping from tree to tree, a scream was heard. I assumed that one team was already taken down. I wandered around a bit more and ran into a team from Amegakure.

Ame-Genin1: Look here guys, we just got lucky.

Ame-Genin2: Give us your scroll and you won't have to die.

They said with a smirk. The team consisted of 2 females and 1 male, on of the girls had a sword on her back while the other two are barehanded. I stood my ground and went into defensive position.

Y/N: No way in hell am I gonna do that. I'm not going down this early into the exam.

Ame-Genin1: Suit yourself then. Get him!
And that's all we have for today. Bye hahahah to be continued.

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