Chapter 7 {Day 2}

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'Oh..... ' 

" Oh.. Thanks... " I said taking it and leaning against the wall under the dart board eating it.

" Maybe, because of yesterday's picture thief..? " Olette said.

" Yeah, that could be it.. " Pence agreed, eating his ice cream.

" No.. You wanna know what it is? The beach! WE haven't gone once this summer! So let's just get on the train and go! " Hayner said and looked at all of us, hopeful. No response.. " Aw, c'mon! " He said whining a bit.

" Maybe you forgot, but.. we're broke. " Roxas said, to him.

" Maybe you forgot, i'm smart! " Hayner said smiling. " C'mon! " He yelled back to us as he ran out the Usual Spot.

" Um..? " We all said as well looked back and forth from each other, then Pence shrugged and ran out with Olette.

" Uh.... " I sighed and shook my head standing up, and getting ready to run after them.

" Wait.! " Roxas yelled and grabbed my upper arm, stopping me from leaving.

" What? " I asked looking at him and taking my arm back.

" How do you know about Sora?? " Roxas asked me, looking dead serious.

" Now's really not the time! And especially NOT here! " I said turning to leave.

" No! Tell me now, please! How do you know him!? I keep trying to tell myself it's all in my head, and just a dream! But... I don't know if and how long I can keep believing myself.... " He said looking down holding my arm again, it made me feel bad for him.. He sounds so confused and sad, on top of that.. He's so happy here... Even though this whole places is just a fake...

" I promise.. That soon I WILL tell you! I swear I will, Roxas! Just.. Now isn't the time, nor the place... " I told him taking my arm back and running outside to find and meet up with the others.


" .Diz..??! " I whispered to myself confused... Whi's that, again..?


" 150, sorry... " Roxas said upset at having a small amount of money. But, HEY at least he had SOME! I asked Olette how much I owed her and man... It's SO MUCH!! Also Roxy and Hay-Hay, yes I call Hayner 'Hay-Hay' now to annoy him. Anyway, their participating in the struggle tournament~ ^^ Wonderful..~

" Time to work~! " I ye;;ed and went to the job I picked, which is the cargo climb~ From what we call it in the game I think...

" Hi! We're here for the job offer, you posted..! " Olette said to the man who has that HUGE ASS bag FULL of stuff, at the bottom of the hill.

" Oh great! Yeah you can just bring it up the hill here, into my garage. And i'll pay you based on how fast you can get it up here, since I have to be somewhere in few..! " He said giving us a small smile.

" ..Uh....? " I said more to myself than any one..

' Shouldn't you get payed for DOING the job and NOT by how FAST you do it? I don't know, I digress...'

" All right, guys!! " Hayner said punching his fist into his palm smirking.

" Let's get to it! " Olette smiled.

" YEEAAAAAHHH!! " I yelled putting on 'weightless' by All Time Low, as me, Roxas, and Olette get behind the bug bag getting ready to push it. As Hayner and Pence get in front and grab the ropes about to pull it, up the hill as we push.

Sucked inside !? Or not...? ((VERY VERY Slow Updates))Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin