"Oh—uh, I'm Kristen." she stuttered, turning pink at her stupidity.

Kaitlyn's smirk only widens in response before she takes her arm, pulling her through the doorway.

"Okay, so what's your first class?" she asked as they walked aimlessly down the hall.

"Chemistry." Kristen read from her schedule.

Her smirk turned into a smile.

"Same here." she said, keeping a hold on the blondes wrist, pulling her to chemistry.

When they arrived, the door was closed due to them being 5 minutes late. Kristen went to pull the door open, but was quickly stopped.

"Hold on, before we go in, we gotta fix... this..." she stated, gesturing to Kristen.

She looked down at herself, "What's wrong with my uniform?" she questioned.

"Well first off," She started as she grabbed the hem of Kristen's skirt, pulling her closer. "no one actually wears their skirt 2 inches above the knee." she explained as she rolled the skirt twice to fit snugly around Kristen's waist, riding the skirt up to her mid thigh. "Second, there's no need to choke yourself with your collar." she critiqued as she unbuttoned the top two buttons of the blonde's shirt. "And third, you should cuff the sleeves." she added, reaching for a sleeve. "You don't have to, but it looks cuter." she explained. Once she was done, she took a glance down at Kristen's legs, "Thank god you aren't wearing the socks." she chuckled.

Kristen laughed nervously, "So uh... can we go in now?" She asked, tugging at her loosened collar.

Kaitlyn gave her one more look over, ignoring the bright shade of pink that covered her face, "Yeah sure." she approved, "Okay, Mr. Miller is a bit of a hardass, but he'll go easy on you since you're new." Kaitlyn warned before opening the door, causing all eyes to shift toward them. "Sorry Mr. Miller, I had to take this slowpoke to class." she joked, pointing to Kristen as she awkwardly stood in front of the class.

"It's quite alright Kaitlyn, and what's your name?" He directed his attention to the blonde.

"Kristen." She answered simply, fiddling slightly with her shortened skirt.

"Well, Kristen, pick any seat you'd like. I don't believe in seating charts." he said playfully.

Mr. Miller was the type of teacher to act chill for the students, but in reality was just as merciless as the rest of them when it came to rules; despite this, he was viewed as one of the best teachers in the school.

"Alright, let's get back to class." Mr. Miller concluded, turning back to the projector.

It only took 2 minutes of class before Kaitlyn started drilling Kristen with questions.

"How tall are you?" She questioned randomly as she eyed Kristen up and down.

"Uh, 5'4", why?"

"I knew it." she said smugly to herself, not elaborating further. "Anyway, where you from?"

"California..." she said hesitantly.

Her eyebrows raised in interest, "Like northern, southern, LA, bay area?"

"LA." Kristen clarified.

"So, why the hell did you move here?" she questioned, but it was only answered with a shrug. Kristen wasn't in the mood to get into the personal details of her life with a stranger.

Kaitlyn eventually sensed her discomfort with the question and dropped it. Instead she rested her cheek on her hand as she silently watched Kristen pull out a half used notebook and a pen from her practically empty backpack. A slight smile grew on her face as she watched her begin to write, only for the pen to run dry seconds later.

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