Chapter 6 ~ Apocalypse #1

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*Third-person pov*

"What's with all the lollygagging?" Five says as we appear in the little of a shooting in the concert.

"Five, Y/n, get down!" Luther shouts to you guys.

"Oh, fuck." Five pulls you down with him and you both hide behind the theater seats "Be careful Y/n"

"Yes, sir" you jokingly salute him and go back to being serious as you almost get shot.

"Five what the..." Luther starts bitching again "I thought you guys bailed on us!"

"I, we had an errand to run," he responds "This is not good."

"Do you know these guys?" you ask him even though you are pretty sure you know the answer to your own question.

"Yeah, I do."

"And?" Diego adds to what you were trying to ask.

"Well... We are screwed."

"It's ok I can sorta help don't worry about it," you say as you tap your hand together to get your magic going. You open a portal to the Sahara desert under the men with one hand and with the other you make a whip-like structure to bring them into the portal you created. "This might buy us some time before more of them come."

Everyone has a little section of people they are dealing with and you just discarded your people so now you didn't know what to do. You look over at Five who was tackling a man while making him shoot other people, so you decide to go help him out. You readjust the whip in your hand and make it stretch out to one of the men and wrap it around him, bouncing him aggressively from side to side until he died.


"Don't mention it."

Then everyone looks at Klaus and sees another man in front of him but the man wasn't solid, he was built up of a blue light and he had tentacles going out of him and killing some of the men. Everyone is completely flabbergasted.

"Oh my God, it's him, Ben."

When Diego comes back, someone asks him where he was and he says "Honoring a memory." though you would probably call that BS but whatever "So, how do you wanna end this thing?"

"We surround her," Luther says as we huddle up "All right? We come at her from all angles."

"So it's a suicide mission."

"Yeah, but one of us could get through. It's the only chance we've got." Five backs Luther up "Are we all in?"


"All right." Luther begins "Allison, stage left. Stage right," he nods Diego over to the right "You guys take front," he says to the rest of you.

As soon as he finishes, everyone runs to their places to get ready for the encounter. And when Luther signals everyone to go, everyone runs to Vanya and she throws a weird energy thing at you guys and keeps you guys floating mid-air sucking your life out. Then, Allison shoots next to Vanya making her send her energy wave to the moon instead, before she collapses in Allison's arms.

"Is she alive?"


"We did it, we saved the world," Luther says and everyone laughs in relief.

Klaus chuckles a little before looking up at the sky "Uhhhh... Guys?" he grabs everyone's attention "You see that big moon rock coming towards us?"

"That's not good" Luther points out.

"No fucking shit Sherlock, we are all about to DIE," you shout at him for his comment.

"So this is it huh? So much for... Saving the world." Klaus sighs "If only Sir Reginald could see us right now, huh?"

"The umbrella academy." Diego mumbles "A total failure."

"At least we are together at the end. As a family, plus Y/n."

"Awww, I would love to be a part of the family before dying."

"This doesn't have to be the end." Five starts "I think I have a way outta here. But you gotta trust me on this."

Everyone looks away to the ground and stays quiet, after hearing his request. "Well, then, we might as well accept our fate. Because in less than a minute, we're gonna be vaporized."

"What's your idea then?" Diego asks Five.

"We use my ability to time travel." Five starts explaining "But this time, I'll take you with me."

"I trust you, I would rather not die if you know what I mean. I am too young and beautiful, I have so much more to live for," you say trying to get Five to at least send you somewhere else in time.

"You can do that?"

"I don't know, I've never tried it before."

"What's the worst that can happen?"

"You're looking at it." Five tells Diego "A fifty-eight-year-old man inside a child's body, so there's that."

"Wait, does that mean I would be a toddler if this went wrong?" you question Five as you try doing the math in your brain "Or would I not exist because I would be like a fetus?"

"Just trust me on this."

"Oh, what the hell I am in" Diego is the first to say.

"Yeah, whatever. I'm in." Klaus agrees.

"Me too. Allison?" Luther looks over he and she nods. "What about Ben?" he asks Klaus.

"Great, yeah, he is in."

"So am I." you continue the chain.

"Okay, great. Luther, you grab Vanya."

"Wait, should we be taking her?" Luther questions Five's decision as he grabs hold of Vanya. "I mean, she is the cause of the apocalypse. Isn't that like taking the bomb with us?"

"The Apocalypse will always happen," Five argues "And Vanya will always be the cause, unless we take her with us and fix her."

"Can we hurry this up?" you say hurriedly "I don't really think I want to die already, especially this brutally."

Luther stays holding Vanya while Allison holds his hand and he holds Klaus's hand, Klaus holds Diego's hand who holds Five, and Five holds your hand with you closing the circle by holding Allison's. Five starts making a blue light above everyone which increases every second that he works on it. "Ah," you can hear him grunting in pain as he uses all his energy to teleport everyone back in time. "Hold on! It's gonna get messy!" he yells to everyone as you can see the rest of the umbrellas turn into their younger selves. Then, when you can finally hear the fire start to approach you guys, you all disappeared.

You look around and see no one but yourself in the alleyway "FIVE? KLAUS? What are the other names?... DIEGO?" you call out but to no avail as no one responds. You decide to look around and ask for the date considering Five was supposed to send you guys to the past "Hello, sir?" you approach a man entering the store you appeared next to "Would you mind telling me what's today's date?"

"January 31st, 1957," he says giving you a confused look "Are you lost little one? Do you need help?"

Quickly, you come up with a lie considering the fact that the man could possibly give you shelter "Yes, sir I have no idea where I am, I woke up in and alley and don't even know anything about myself. I think I may have had a brain injury..."

"Well, then, why don't I bring you home with me and my wife can help you go find your family, hm? How does that sound?"

"That sounds splendid, sir" You give him an innocent smile to further convince him about your little act "Thank you so much, sorry to trouble you."

"Oh, that's alright." he proclaims "My wife and I have been trying for a child, you would be like a test run! Come on I will take you home with me after we buy the new tv I came to get."

His Bitch // Five x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora