Chapter 11 ~ missed opportunity

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Third Person pov

Peace. And silence. Those are two things you haven't had in a while. To think of it the only break you got after you left Kamar-Taj was the six years you had to live a new life in 1963, but of course, as soon as Five comes back into your life things took another turn and now you are a part of the commission, a noobie with a job that even the best of the best couldn't handle. I mean who in their right mind could handle THE Five Hargreaves except you? Wait, no. Not you, stop it Y/n!

After a few seconds, you open your eyes to take in your surroundings but right as you do you can sense that annoying pounding on your head. A headache? Again? 'Am I turning into an alcoholic or something? Because the past few days the only way you have woken up is with a hangover.

You look to your right and there is nothing but a brick wall. So you turn to your left and meet with an unexpectedly close face 'Fuck where is my briefcase when I need it? Where did I even put it? Whatever I will just open a space through time to bring the both of us to the commission.'

You move your upper body up only to be brought back down 'Is this bitch cuddling me? It's kind of nice- NO ITS NOT'

Slowly, you put his hand to his side and you get out of bed ready to start the portal. But of course, once again, an interruption!

Luther walks in and looks at you then at Five "Oh good you are awake. Do you think he will wake up soon?"

"Maybe," you shrug "He was pretty fucking wasted so, you never know when he will wake up."

"I am up, Delores," he mumbles in a deep and raspy sleepy voice.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty." you joke because of how long it took for him to wake up "How was your beauty sleep?"

"Good actually," he sits up on the edge of the bed "You do know that we slept the same amount of time thought, right?"

"Whatever," you roll your eyes.

"So, Five." Luther interrupts "When is it supposed to happen? This... Apocalypse."

"I can't give you the exact time, but from what I could gather we have four days left."

"Why didn't you say something sooner?"

"Why would he, Luther?" you arch your brow and raise your hand for Five to high-five furthering the insult. "No? You're not gonna high-five me? Ok, I see how it is."

"It wouldn't have mattered." he tells him as he puts his hands together and rests his arms on his legs, looking down at the floor.

"Of course, it would have," Luther replies annoyed. "We could have banded together and helped you try to stop this thing."

"For the record, you already tried..."Five says looking back up at you and Luther.

"What do you mean?"

"I found all of you," Five starts but stops "Your bodies"

"We die?" Luther asks

"Horribly," he answers sounding like he is about to cry, and looks back at the floor as if he can't even look Luther in the eye because of how bad his memories were. "You were together. Trying to stop whoever it was that ends the world."

"Wait how do you know that?" Luther interrupts him.

Five reaches into the pocket of his jacket and pulls out that same horrid eyeball that you know he is going to put into Leonards's eye socket again "This was cliches to your dead hand when I found you." he adds while observing it then throwing it to Luther. "Must have ripped it out of their head right before you went down."

"Who's head?" he tries it back to Five who swiftly catches it.

"Like I said I don't know."

"Well there is a serial number on the back..." Luther tries pitching in to help him out. "Think maybe you could try-"

"Nope, that's a dead end." Five rudely interrupts Luther mid-sentence "It's another hunk of glass."

Then Diego loudly barges into the room and already starts chaos "Piece of shit." he intensely mutters making Lither stand up. "Do you have any idea what you just did?" he lunges toward Five ready to attack but Luther holds him back with his massive arm "Nope, let me- GET YOUR APE HANDS OFF ME!"

"I can do this as long as it takes you to calm down." Luther calmly tells him to make him at ease.

"Fine." Diego pants out.

"Now, wanna tell us what you're talking about?"

"Our brother and his little girlfriend have been pretty busy since he got back," he says glaring daggers at you and Five.

"What do you mean by that? I have done absolutely nothing! I am not even his girlfriend." you try defending yourself making all the blame go to Five.

"Well he was in the middle of that shootout at Griddy's, and then both were at Gimble Brothers when there was that accident there and after the guys in masks attacked the academy, looking for him or them I am not sure about that part yet." he pretty much summarizes the past few days of your lives.

"None of which is any of your concern." Five sasses.

"It is now." Diego pants out "They just killed my friend."

After hearing that Luther then turns to Five "Who are they Five?" he asks with genuine concern.

"They work for my former employer." he takes a pause "A woman called 'The Handler' she sent them. To stop me... Then as soon as Diego's friend got in their way, well, it was fair game." he stares back at Diego.

"And now it's my fair game," Diego says "and I am gonna see to it that they pay for what they did to Patch." he storms out of the room, and Five starts talking to him.

"That would be a mistake, Diego. There killed people far more dangerous than you."

"Ya, we will see about that." Diego slams the door which was a sad attempt to look cool but sadly for him, it did not work.

"Former employer?" Luther goes back to the subject "What's this really about? And don't give me any of this 'it's none of your business' crap, all right?"

"Well, it's a long story."

"Here we go..." you sigh "How long is this long story?"


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