Sixteen: The Punishment

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The more the two of you talked the more you realized he had no memory of what he did. The realization left you even more confused than before. You were torn in two, half of you wanted to ignore what happened the other part of knew you couldn't. Tate pulled you from your thoughts. He straddled you locking eyes with you, making eye contact with him solidified your decisions. This is your Tate, he's back. He might have done horrible things but that wasn't your Tate. It was different one clouded by drugs and suicidal thoughts not that thats a excuse. When you look into his eyes there's no sign of what lurked in them from that day. They're just the deep chocolate brown eyes you feel in love with. "Don't leave me,I love you" Tears ran down your face you finally had him back.

He held you close, scared to let you go. It was like the old times when the two of you would spend the whole day together. Yet it was completely different; there was less stress on the relationship. You didn't have to worry about the future he was yours for an eternity. It brought a guilty happiness thinking that way, you never wanted Tate to die but now that he did you feel less lonely. Even with all the changes the two of you settled back into your old habits.


Since becoming a ghost so many things have changed about Tate. One being his emotions have heightened and since he's an already sensitive person he was having huge mood swings. The feeling that's been plaguing him the most is clinginess. He constantly needs a hand on you his preferred placement under your shirt. Even an innocent touch like holding hands Tate finds a way for it to lead to sex. It was quite impressive how Tate managed to talk you out of your pants. The two of you were having sex constantly. You didn't mind one bit, you loved feeling close to him and he loved having your attention. The way you react to him drives him crazy. How can he not touch you when you have such beautiful reactions?

Right now is a prime example, Tate was trying desperately to get your attention. Your attention was solely on your book though. That wasn't going to discourage him though he was determined to get your attention. So no matter how many times you waked him over the head he was not going to give up. Grabbing your waist and pulling you close to him. Nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck, placing kisses on your neck. You weren't going to give in, you only had a few more pages left. Yet you kept having to restart the page over because he keeps distracting you. After the fifth time you had to restart you last all your patience. You turned to him, giving him hope that you were finally going to give him attention. His smile fell as quickly as it appeared when he saw the look on your face. "Tate go sit over there" you point to the chair across the room. His mouth fell open and he went to object but you stopped him before he could say one word pointing to the chair once more. This time he listened with no objections. He got off the bed walking over to the chair, his eyes never leaving you. You ignored his stare going back to reading your book finally without any interruptions.

Once you finally finished your book you turned your attention over to him. Tate perked up right away practically bouncing as you got closer to him. He deflated when you stopped just short of him. Tate needs to learn patience and you're more than happy to teach him that lesson. Before you make your way to him you stop just short of him. You stripped right in front of him, his eyes never left you studying every bit of exposed skin. His feet bounced against the floor while his hands ran up and down his legs anxiously. He was barely able to control himself. He knew though if he did give in he'd be in more trouble.You slipped on his favorite shirt, a striped long sleeve. His self control was thinning as you got closer to him. You tilted his head up, having you this close was suffocating him. You locked eyes with him once again moving closer to him. Your lips were so close to his that if he just moved his head a smidge his lips would be on yours. He waited for you to kiss him but instead you moved to kis ear telling him he need to learn some manners. He just gulped, nodding his head in agreement, his words failing him. You sat yourself in Tates lap, his hands going right to your hips.You continued your lecture telling him he should have listened to you. Tate was only half listening to you, mostly focusing on the pleasure you were causing him.

The punishments you give him have always been extreme, yet he loves them. He can remember a time you got him all riled up and on the verge of cumming but you stopped leaving him high and dry. only telling him he should be more appreciative next time. You left him like that for the rest of the day only giving him relief late that night because he wouldn't stop moving around in bed. With this new punishment being alluded to his mind kept coming up with different scenarios. The look in your eyes told him it would be a good one.  

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