|~Life is shit~|

47 2 0

TW: Death mentions

It's been about a week since I've been told my parents passed to put it in simple words this has been the worst week of my life. Not just due to the fact my parents are dead but to add to the pain I can't leave my bed due to the fact apparently after going head on head with a semi truck in a mini van you lose the ability to walk.

It sucked. Looking around the room absolutely nothing has changed besides new notes being placed on the bill board across the room and a tv being placed in here. And to add to this 'wonderful' experience the nurses are being overly nice to me. I may be young and have to deal with the fact that my parents are dead and never coming back, but that doesn't mean they need to treat me like a wounded mutt.

"Tommy?" A nurse interrupted my not so kind thought process, she had dark brown hair reaching to her waist, her scrubs were oversized to add to the horrendous look she was wearing Nike shoes.

I decided to get this over with quickly as possible, acknowledging her presence so she could speak and we can get this over with.

"My names Sarah! We're going to be doing some physical therapy today! Exciting right! In no time you'll be up and on your feet again!"

I rolled my eyes, not amused the slightest, this lady is far to jumpy and cheerful. Not even sure if she is real at this point, she talks like a cartoon animated character. I'm really not in the mood for this at the moment. I just want to go home and see my parents again. But obviously that's wasn't an option and never will be again.

Sarah made her way over to the sink dropping her random clutter of stuff on the counter, she had grabbed a few random medical tools and slipped them in her pocket. Shortly after she stuffed her pants full of useless shit she practically skipped over to me.

"Alright kiddo! Let's get you sat up!"

This is going to be joyful innit.


After what felt like an eternity we finished my 'leg exercises'. Sarah had been cleaning up her pile of medal what nots and shoving them into a small duffle bag.

"You've done fantastic Tommy! I'll be back same time tomorrow so be excited!"

Personally I think I would have preferred to have died in the car crash then have to go through these 'exercises" again.

"If we keep up the good work, like we accomplished today, you'll be walking by next week! I bet you!"

Sarah smiled at me, not the 'hey I'm being nice' smile but a genuine one, one that speaks for itself practically saying 'hey I care' I'm grateful Sarah isn't a bitch like Sheila.


The awkward thing was that Sarah was right, we'd been doing these stupid exercises for 6 days now. She's having me use a walker today, I'm not to fond of having to use a medical tool that you'd regularly see an older person using at 11. But I haven't got much of choice unless id rather not walk ever again.

Sarah was far too happy to have me be using the 'old people' medical device. Her hair was even tied up in the 'im ready to work my arse off bun' this will be interesting certainly.

"Tommy! Tommy! Hello my favorite young man, I'm super excited today, so first we'll be using the walker to make our way to your door, then we'll head down the hallway to the Cafeteria, so you can choose a snack!"

Oh so foods the reward? I've never been more unsatisfied in my life, especially since the hospitals food was shit. It quite literally tasted like cardboard.

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