[Mystery.exe Has Stopped Working]

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So uh, I wasn't expecting to write two chapters about FNF the Musical today considering that previous one took up 2 hours (and during the writing process I was mentally sobbing over the possibility of BF and GF breaking up in RecD's upcoming VS Tabi with Lyrics video).

But after rewatching Pico vs Uberkids with Lyrics, I have some questions and concerns about the timeline of this universe and BF and Pico's relationship.


I would highly recommend watching the week 3 w/ lyrics remaster, because this analysis isn't going to make much sense if you only watched the original version.

⚠️Minor spoilers for Week 7 (Tankman) w/ Lyrics (RecD)⚠️

You have been warned

So I'm rewatching Pico vs Uberkids with Lyrics, right? And a few seconds pass after the opening line, and I sit there watching, and watching, and watching...

...and then I realized something.

Pico's opening line to this video is, "September 12th 2004"

Which, considering Pico's canon age is 20 in FNF and prior to FNF, Pico is a portrayed as a minor around 13-17 years of age notably in MindChamber's Pico lore, implies that FNF the Musical takes place in the 2000s era.

Which is...understandable since I'm sure Newgrounds was popular during that time period and FNF does give off those early Newgrounds vibes, but how does that explain the existence of Among Us? Defeat and Finale with Lyrics is canonically part of the FNF the Musical lore now so FNF would chronologically be set in this decade, right?

And Tankman's running gag in Week 7 with Lyrics is being frustrated by YouTube's censorship because he can't cuss. But as far as I know, and I could be wrong, YouTube censorship and demonetization didn't become a thing until the mid to late 2010s, which goes past the year Pico stated at the beginning of the Uberkids with Lyrics video.

Regarding Newgrounds as well, Pico and Tankman seem to be the only two characters that acknowledge that they originated from Newgrounds. So like...do they experience some form of existentialism? Like, I guess Pico sort of acknowledges it in Blammed where he says:

"All I know is my past, do people really wanna hear all about it?

Feel like an old guy lecturing, but what even am I without it?"

So is this supposed to symbolize that Pico is self aware that he is a fictional character whose backstory is literally written and thinks his entire purpose is to be violent and angry and shoot stuff because that's what people want and know him for?

Is that why he and BF broke up? Because his self awareness of everyone and everything including himself being fictional and his desire to keep up his reputation as a NG mascot affected his relationship with BF and made it more difficult to cope and heal from the trauma he endured from the events of Pico's School?

And for that matter, does Boyfriend know he is a fictional character and he also originates from Newgrounds? I want to say he does but he never mentions it directly. You would think that if Newgrounds was very well known in the FNF the Musical universe and Pico was an icon, Boyfriend would know about his trauma. Even if there weren't any 4th wall breaks, I find it hard to believe that BF would be that blissfully unaware that Pico had some form of trauma, because you know that this poor man probably has panic attacks, schizophrenic episodes, and wakes up screaming at 2 in the morning. Not to mention his attachment to his gun.
Did Pico ever tell BF about his trauma or briefly mention it at all? If he did, you would think BF would try to help him or get him therapy or maybe calmly break up with Pico instead of running off and breaking all contact with Pico as shown in Philly Nice. In fact, how long have they been having struggles within their relationship? Did their relationship get worse overtime? Did it just suddenly happen?

Does Boyfriend regret leaving Pico so abruptly? Does he regret not helping Pico? Again I want to say yes, but some of the lines written for him make me question otherwise:

"I've grown up you're still a boy, waving that lead shooting toy."

"Come on Pico, don't bring that up."

"It's fine stop it. Pico drop it!"

"Maybe it would be if you just got rid of that stupid gun!"

Does he even know why Pico has the gun?
Did Pico's trauma never get brought up at all in their relationship?
Does he hate Pico?


Idk fam, maybe I'm overlooking this whole situation and it's not a big deal. BF and Pico's relationship in RecD's FNF universe has been on my mind for the last couple of weeks and I wanted to talk about it on here.

Part of the reason I wrote this is because I came across a post about someone explaining how BF and Pico breaking up because Pico is too dangerous didn't make sense since Girlfriend is a demon and BF has faced countless dangerous opponents before. Note that op wasn't directly taking about FNF the Musical, they were just talking about the concept generally.

The way I see it here though, BF didn't really seem all that confident or brave in the Philly Nice with lyrics segment because Pico had to show him the ropes and take him under his wing, etc. I don't think he had the confidence/bravery to face Pico and deal with his violence and outbursts back then which is why he ran away. Singing/Rapping opponents such as Daddy Dearest, Monster/Lemon Demon, Mommy Mearest, Whitty, Tankman, etc. was his road to becoming more fearless. Plus Girlfriend, from BF's perspective, is just a chill and sweet human-looking demon who has control over her powers and emotions.

I say from BF's perspective because uhhh...we all know why.

If you think about it, Pico and Girlfriend in RecD's lore were two of the major people in Boyfriend's life who helped him become and grow as a rapper.

Anyway, I'm gonna stop there because this is 1000+ words long, goodness gracious.

No hate to RecD btw, I love FNF the Musical!❤️❤️❤️
If he sees this or if any FNF the Musical fan sees this, this is not a hate post, this is just me attempting to decipher some of the character lore regarding Pico and his relationship with BF. I'm just confused, that's all.

FNF the Musical fans please interact, it's lonely over here🥲🥲🥲

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