I nodded, looking away as I resumed our walk, pulling her along with me. "I've heard what its like, of course. And read about it. But I never had anyone to give gifts to. Or to give me any." Mor smiled at me. "Well then I am honored to be with you at your first." I returned her smile, the warmth in my chest even greater than before.

Mor and I walked through almost the entire city, entering dozens of shops to get gifts, if not just to look around. We talked and laughed for hours, until the sun began to set and it was time to go to the  town house.


Cassian won the snow ball fight, and he would not shut up about it. The three males had come into the House covered in snow, Cassian boasting to Mor, Amren and I from the moment he walked in, Rhys and Azriel rolling their eyes at him. It wasn't long before the Illyrians left again to complete another one of their Solstice traditions, one that involved a steam shed, apparently.

Me and the other two females were sitting next to the fire, an empty bottle of wine on the table in front of us as we chatted. We stayed like that for a good hour, until it was time to get ready for the celebration. I changed into a new gown, this one a deep blue color, made of a velvet material. 

We all stood around the black mantel of the house, Rhys on one side of me and Cassian on the other. The former lifted his wine filled glass up, the rest of us doing the same.

"To the blessed darkness from which we are born, and to which we return." He said, his eyes shifting to me at the end as he flashed me a smile. I returned it, taking a large sip from my wine as everyone else did. 

I'm beyond happy you're here with us today Asteria. He said into my mind. I felt my eyes start to sting.

And I am beyond happy to call you my brother, Rhysand. I could've sworn Rhys's own eyes started to water as he wrapped his arms around me, lifting me off the ground as he embraced me. I hugged him back, chuckling as he set me down.

Cassian hugged me next, lifting me and twirling me around until I was dizzy. I swatted his arm as soon as he let me down, both of us laughing. Amren did not hug me, though I didn't expect her to. I didn't expect her to smile at me either, though she did as she wished me a happy Solstice. I smiled back, wishing her the same. 

Mor of course, hugged me so tightly I was gasping for air. "Happy Solstice to my favorite cousin." She whispered. 

"Hey!" Rhysand called, a look of fake betrayal on his face as he held a hand to his chest. Mor simply shrugged at him, and I couldn't contain my laugh. 

The last person to greet me was Azriel. I was staring at the star lit night sky through a window when he approached me, placing a hand on my arm. I turned to face him, the breath robbed from my lungs as I did. He looked beautiful dressed in finery, the stars reflecting in his amber eyes, causing them to appear as if glowing faintly. There were no shadows trailing him, no shadows in his eyes, either. His lips were set in a soft smile, and it took everything in me not to crash my own lips against them. My chest was so tight I could hardly think, especially as he studied me before whispering, "happy solstice, Asteria."

I opened my mouth to respond, but was interrupted by Rhys announcing it was time to exchange presents. I leaned in to Azriel, placing a kiss on his cheek before walking to where everyone else was gathered around the large stack of presents.

"Me first!" Mor announced, rushing to the huge stack of presents. She began throwing boxes of all shaped and sizes at everyone. I caught mine, finding it to be very light. I immediately knew what it would be. The blonde gave me a wink and a mischievous smile, confirming my suspicions. 

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