Just Save Me- Chapter 1

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A/N- Hey! So I tried looking for a fanfiction like this for a while and I can never find one. I've found a couple with anorexia as the tags but it wasn't a big part in the story. SO, I decided to write one. Hope you guys like it! :)


"Are you sure you'll be fine?"

"Of course, Mom. I've been doing this for four years now." My mother has always been worried about me since I had depression. I mean I understand where she is coming from; I was on the point of suicide and that was only a year ago.

"I know it's just-," she stared at me as if this was her last time seeing my face, "Listen, you know my phone number. Call me if anything happens, okay?"

"Okay, Mom." I watched the clock over platform nine and three-quarters, which read 11:25. "Mom, I really gotta go or I'll miss the train."

She sighed again, "Okay. Bye, sweetie," she hugged me and kissed me on the cheek, "I love you! I'll see you soon!"

I shouted back at her from the entrance of the train, "Alright! Bye, Mom! I love you too!"

I was just about to load my luggage on the train when a particular someone bumped into me. "You can talk to your mummy later, Gateway, your blocking the whole bloody line." Ugh. Malfoy.

I look back to see he was correct- there was a huge line of last-minute students waiting impatiently to get on the train. "Oh sorry," I mumbled.

Now I suppose you may be wondering why I didn't say something witty and perhaps tease him about being a mommy's boy. Well, I'm not that kind of person. I believe everyone has some good in them. Maybe even You-know-Who has some good in him. I blame Ravenclaw. Actually, it's quite the opposite. You see, I don't think this way because I'm in Ravenclaw; I'm in Ravenclaw because I think this way.

Most people think he's gone, You-Know-Who. I don't believe he is; Hagrid doesn't either. You know how you can feel when something is over? You can just feel the closure? I didn't feel that. I believe that deep down, most other people know he is still out there. But let's not talk about that right now.

I found an empty compartment after walking down the train for at least 30 minutes. We should really start leaving the house earlier next year.

Now that we have some time, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Alice Gateway. I'm 16 years old, and I'm in Ravenclaw. I'm a half-blood; my mom's a witch and my dad's a muggle, but my father died. I'd rather not talk about that if you don't mind, it's kind of personal.

I'm also American. We moved to Brighton after my father's death. I absolutely love Britain. I've always wanted to move here. I love the little coffee shops, the double-decker buses, the cool weather, and most of all the accents.

I've only lived here for three years, so I don't have an accent yet. I don't know if I ever will have one.

I also have anorexia. I know what you're thinking: "Oh shit she pulled out the deep stuff now." I'm only saying this because it's kind of necessary for you to fully understand this story. I've been anorexic for 4 years. I've never fainted or anything like that, but I do see spots when I stand up too fast, and I can't walk a lot without resting because I'm too weak. I never told my mother about my anorexia as to not further her worries. She kind of figured out about my depression from my best friend, Alana.

My depression was at its worst last year when I swallowed 14 sleeping pills. That's how my mom found out. I was texting Alana at the time, trying to get help. She tried to help me as best as she could, but I just did not want to be alive (it was a tough time). So, I swallowed the pills and Alana called my mom. I am forever grateful to have such an amazing friend as Alana. She saved my life.

Just save meМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя