- "What's your decision, Mikey?" Draken asked.

- "I'll let Mitsuya decide, considering he's his vice-captain", Mikey said.

Mitsuya came towards Hakkai who was kneeling in front of Mikey.

- "I'm sorry, Taka-chan, I've already decided", Hakkai told him.

- "Don't be sad, Hakkai, I understand", said Mitsuya.

- "It was a pleasure to work with you!" Hakkai shouted, bending his head to the floor.

- "Let me talk to Taiju", Mitsuya said smiling.

- "Mikey, I ask for permission to go with Mitusya" , said Katsumi, leaning in front of Mikey.

- "Permission granted, Akuma", Mikey said smiling.

Takemichi and Chifuyu looked at Katsumi and Mikey in confusion. Why is she still acting like Akuma? They all already knew who she was.Katsumi came to Mitsuya and left the room with him. Takemichi and Chifuyu exchanged a look and went out after them.

During the meeting , Katsumi noticed that Kisaki and Hanma were watching her carefully.

All 4 of them met with Taiju at his home. Mitsuya was sitting on a sofa, and standing behind him were Hakkai, Katsumi, Chifuyu and Takemichi. On another sofa Taiju was sitting with his feet on the table, and behind him were Koko and Inui.

- "Nice to meet you, Taiju-kun", said Mitsuya.

- "So you are the bastard Mitusya who manipulates my brother", said Taiju.Katsumi looked at him with a grimace.

"This commoner is completely disrespectful to Takashi..." she thought.

- "That's quite an accusation", Mitsuya said smiling.

- "I will kill your ass", said Taiju.

Katsumi moved his gaze to the two behind him and studied their reactions. She stood proudly looking at everyone arrogantly. She recognised one of them. He was Seishu Inui.

- "So? what did you want to tell me? keep it short." said Taiju.

- "I will give Hakkai back to the Black dragon and I won't see him again", said Mitsuya.

- "What the?! You can't do that, Mitsuya-kun!" Takemichi shouted.

- "Takemichi, don't interrupt him!" Katsumi scolded him.

- "But...but..".

- "Takemichi, your superior told you to shut up", Chifuyu told him.

Taiju looked at Katsumi who was looking at him bored.

- "Haha, I thought you came here to prevent this", Taiju said.

- "Instead, release Yuzuha", Mitsuya said seriously. "Hakkai doesn't leave Toman because he's afraid of you, but because he wants to protect Yuzuha."

Taiju punched Mitsuya who didn't even move.

- "If you agree to these terms, Toman will leave you Black dragon alone", said Mitsuya.

- "And if I refuse?" Taiju asked.

- "Then we will go to war", said Mitsuya.

- "Let's have a truce", Taiju said and shook Mitsuya's hand.

Before leaving Taiju's house with her 4 companions, Katsumi turned to Taiju and looked him in the eye.

- "So this my brother's gang now", she said making a grimace. "Sadly, Shinichiro had something else on his mind."

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