6 | paper rings

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We're all gathered in the boys cabin, the journal in front of us, as if we're about to perform some kind of ritual

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We're all gathered in the boys cabin, the journal in front of us, as if we're about to perform some kind of ritual. I reach for it, taking it into my hands. The atmosphere is deafeningly quiet, with each of us in anticipation of what we would discover in Bailey's journal.

"Is everyone ready?" I ask, glancing around the circle.

"Hold on, I almost forgot." Finn suddenly stands up from next to me and walks over to his bed. We all watch in confusion as he wordlessly reaches behind his pillow and walks back over to us, tossing a packet of sour patch kids in the middle before sitting back down.

"Sour patch kids, really, Finn?" Arjun sighs. This boy must have a metabolism of about a millisecond, because he is always hungry.

He doesn't respond and instead opens the packet and throws up a sour patch kid into the air, impressively catching it in his mouth. 

"Smooth Finn." I say with a smirk. 

He turns to me with a lopsided grin. "Well now you know I'm not just a pretty face."

"And also not completely lacking coordination." I respond. This evokes a laugh from him, which has me smiling even more. 

Harper reaches forwards and grabs a green one. "Which sour patch kid do you think you would be?" She asks the group, her nose slightly scrunching up at the sourness of the candy.

"Do you wanna know what I think?" Harper asks again. Nobody answers her, but she starts to explain anyway.

"Well, Violet you're obviously purple," she says turning to Vi who is coincidentally wearing her favourite purple sweater. "Astrid is pink, Arjun is orange, Finn is yellow and Wes is green." She says pointing to each one of us, as she assigns us a colour not giving us any further explanation.

"What about you?" Wes asks her.

"I'm watermelon." She says as a matter of fact, grinning.

"Hey, that's not fair, that's the best flavour." He complains. 

"Aw, is little Wessy sad because I hypothetically got the best flavour?" She fake pouts.

"I'm not just sad Harps, I'm absolutely devastated," he deadpans.

I pick up the journal again, which immediately focuses everyone back from analysing which sour patch kid they are. I think we might be going slightly delirious. 

"For the second time today, is everyone ready?" This time everyone in the group nods and I open the book to the first page. On the page is her name and phone number for if the journal ever got lost, which I guess doesn't really matter anymore.

The group leans in closer, their eyes focused on me. I take a deep breath and start reading aloud, the words on the pages coming to life.

The first few pages are Bailey in her last year as a camper, but then it jumps a few years to her first day as a staff member here. She talks about how excited yet nervous she is to be back. She talks about the new friends she makes. She even includes pictures stuck on some of the pages. 

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