" Long time no see, Sasha." The voice is familiar yet it felt so different at the same time. Sasha whipped her head to where the voice is coming from and there he is, Eren Yeager. "It's been one hundred years." She grits her teeth. " How have you been?" She refuse to answer.

He felt so different, it felt like she is not talking to Eren at all but to someone else. " Who are you?"

"The king."

She glared. " No, who are you?"

Eren chuckled at her. " Did your memory become so poor because you chose to live in the human world?"

It felt so different. The aura he emits feels so different, Sasha clench her hands. " Don't play with me or else I will kill you. Who are you? "

" Smart little girl. " Eren taunted her. " Yet so dumb, can't you see that it's me Eren? "

" Eren isn't like that. "

" How confident. " Eren smiled." I have to inform you that a lot happens during a year much more a hundred of years. It's still me. "

Her brown eyes turn to him sharply. " No, you're not. Tell me who you are, I won't hesitate to kill you. "

" I am Eren. " Eren muttered. "You just left a hundred of years ago and you don't know me already? I just have something to ask you that's why I brought you here, why?" He paused, glaring at her. " Why didn't you tell me that she is alive? "

" Why? " She scoff." Why should I tell you when I'm not sure either. You are still grieving before as if it happened just yesterday while infact it's been five hundred years already. " She didn't hesitate. " I wasn't sure either if she is indeed the Queen. "

".. and now are you? "

" I'm not, " Sye sighs. " I haven't examine her, I was waiting for her to tell me. If she really is the Queen, she should remember me. "

" She is the Queen!!"

" I can't guarantee, and I can't trust you in this either. "
There was a sudden coldness in her voice as she look at him. Eren stilled in his position.

" You are the king so you must've waver yet I could see you slowly falling appart right now. It makes me think that I shouldn't examine her so you won't know, so that nobody will know and maybe in that case, you'll be able to lead people better. "

Eren impatiently waits for what she will say next.

" You've been distracted, don't you know what they say behind your back? They say that you are an incompetent king. "

Eren sigh, ".. then examine her. "

Sasha took a deep sigh. " If she doesn't agree, then I can't. I'm sorry Eren."

  There's something Sasha find out during this who conversation, Eren changes way to easily. Earlier it felt like he was talking to a different person but when he ask why she didn't tell him about Mikasa, it felt she was talking to the same Eren as before. It felt strange.

" The decision isn't on me nor on you either, there will be a day that Mikasa will tell us about it herself. Let her confirm it, it's probably more legit if that's the case. "


" This is a paradise. " The Mikasa with the same face at her said.
" My home. Our home. "

" You are my home. " Eren sweetly said to her.  Mikasa look at him in surprise, her cheeks tainted bright red from embarrassment.

" I am? "

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