Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

    "Mikasa, what am I to you?" He said while they were looking at the vermilion colored moon, the palace were having a party after his father won the war against the half breeds, they were happy and dancing like fools in the vermilion moonlight. Mikasa was surprised to hear his question as a tiny pink hue began to appear in her cheeks.

The young male looks at her with tenderness in his face, smiling at her and she felt relief surging inside of her. She actually felt a little embarrassed about it because what if--  " Mikasa, what am I to you?" He repeated the Question, she realized that she had been staring into nothing for a while now.

His face is tainted with red too as he look at her with expectation, so she sighed. It's a one and only moment, so she look at his eyes with determination.  " Eren, I never thought that this day would come." She was hesitating in her tone, he could feel that like a great weight.  Oh gosh, will he be heartbroken? 

" You are--" her mouth forms the word and everything at that moment is like a also motion for hi." Your someone important to me," It was enough, his heart beats so fast in his ribcage although he couldn't hear it beating, he could feel the beat. She smiled at him, "You are my dear, My most beloved."

That moment, it was like fireworks and confetti for him as the girl he likes for a very long time said the words he wants to know for a very long time now.

"It's ok if you don't feel the same way Eren. I understand, I'm probably only just an annoying girl to you ---" her useless  rambling ended when he sealed her lips with hers, cupping her face to make a better angle. He closed his eyes but slowly open them afterwards to see her reaction, she is blushing furiously as he is busy claiming her lips but he close his eyes again to feel the moment, because she doesn't squirm in his touch.

There's no rejection in them, just pure shock. Ok, it's a bit shitty that he didn't ask for her permission but she could just Punch him if she didn't like the kiss like she always does when he was being an asshole, it's just that in that moment that's the most logical thing to do. Then, their lips parted as she turned around shock while covering her swollen lips. " Eren, why did you do that? They will think different."

" Then let them think that way."

" Huh? " She ask, puzzled by his reply.

→ We are thinking the same thing aren't we? So why are you saying that while everyone thinks that way about us too?

  He didn't want to tell her that so press his lips together and gave her a smile. "You are right I guess." He replied to her with an awkward chuckle. He let go of her arm and leg her leave him alone in the dark.

         Three days after that, Eren didn't go outside of his room. He doesn't want to see her because she's always in the Palace whenever her brother attends the Aristocrats committee and she stays with him.

" Is Eren inside the room?" He heard her ask a maid and the maid replied to her, she heard the door of his room being opened yet he didn't bother to look at the new comer, since she knows that it will be her. 
" Armin told me you've been in this room for a very long time."

She didn't receive any answer for him. " Look at me when I'm talking to you, Eren."

But he didn't bother to look at her because he could still feel his heartbreak. Mikasa sighed, realizing that even when she shouted at him, he wouldn't listen to her so she tone down her voice. She sat beside him on his bed.

"Is something wrong Eren?" She said with worry in her voice.

" Nothing, Nothing's wrong. " He replied with a forced smile as she sighed because she knew she was the reason why he is feeling sad.

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