Chapter six

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~beep beep beep~

My alarm woke me up, I can’t believe it was just a dream. It felt so real, like I was reliving it again. I wish I could turn back time back when I felt happy, just to relive those memories.

I got up and grabbed a pair of gray sweatpants and a white t-shirt. I wasn’t in the mood to get dressed. This dream made me happy but also extremely sad at the same time. I put my hair up in a messy bun, wore my sunglasses, and grabbed my bag. Before heading out, I grabbed a cereal bar from the kitchen and started walking to school. I made it on time and headed towards my first class.

The time passed by quite fast and nothing too interesting happened, Charlie and I went to the library during lunch, I ate my cereal bar and managed to finish all my homework, then the bell rang and we headed towards the gym. I tried my best to keep up with the rest of the students during basketball, and I did quite a good job, earning a small smile from the teacher. The bell rang, dismissing us.

“Good job Evans, keep it that way.”

I smiled at that, knowing that my effort did not go unnoticed. I showered, got changed, and headed towards the English class. On our way there, Charlie was updating me on the gossip, and I pretended I was interested. When we got to the classroom, we greeted Ms. Davis and sat at our seats. She didn’t greet us back, she didn’t even look up. The rest of the class was really boring. We were reading some stupid book about a teenage girl. I found it cringe and boring, and so did Charlie. Ms. Davis didn’t acknowledge us at all for the whole class, and I don’t blame her after the awkward conversation we had yesterday.

It was Saturday morning, and the rest of the week went by, and nothing interesting happened. I avoided my parents as much as I could and tried to keep up with homework. Ms. Davis was still ignoring us, even when it was about classwork, if it keeps being that way, I’ll request to switch classes, it’s really annoying never being able to answer a question or to even ask one. She would also scold us for every single thing, even if it wasn’t anything important.

I got up and decided to go for a run, I’ve been trying to get in shape, in order to be able to keep up with PE, I didn’t want to get a bad grade or fail. I slipped on a pair of Nike running shorts, a sports bra, a pair of Nike socks, and my running sneakers. I pulled my hair into a ponytail, grabbed my phone and my air pods, and left.

The weather was starting to get a little colder, and not wearing a t-shirt over my sports bra seemed like a stupid idea, but once I started running, it was ok. I’ve been running for about 30 minutes and decided it was time to start running back home. I got quite far, though, and I wasn’t sure I could run all way back, but I could at least try. About midway, there was a park with benches, and I decided to take a break and go sit down for a little bit.

I watched kids play around with their parents, and I couldn’t help but smile, I wish I did that with my parents. My grandparents were the only ones who cared enough to play with me. I closed my eyes and allowed the memories to flood my brain. I felt calm, but I knew it wouldn’t last long.

I started feeling cold, and I stood up and resumed running. As I reached my house, I went to take a shower before starting my homework. I had a few tests for next week, and I had to bust my ass studying if I didn’t want to get punished by my parents. As I got out of the shower, I wore my pajamas and to the kitchen to grab something to eat. That’s when I came face to face with my mum.

“What are you doing?” She asked.

“I wanted to eat something.” I say in a low tone, hoping she’ll let me.

“This morning, you left without our permission, so no food for today and maybe even tomorrow. Maybe that will teach you to respect our authority.” She said in a strict manner. “Now go to your room” She yelled, making me jump.

I run to my room and lock my door, not wanting to piss her off even more. I don’t understand why they are acting that way. Why would you have a kid if you hate it and abuse it. Why won’t you terminate the pregnancy if you don’t want a child or if you are not ready for it.

I pushed these thoughts in the back of my brain and took my book out to start studying. I have a math, an English, and a Science test next week, and by the end of the week there is a parents-teachers meeting to inform them about our progress. I have to do really well on all 3 of them because it’s not like I can hide the grades from them.

A/N: a smaller chapter.
I know I said that I'll only be updating twice a week, but I'm excited to publish it.😆
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