Episode two

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Taehyung dash out of Mr. Jeon's office with a smile on his face, he knows what he has said to the younger would make him wonder how he got to know about his name initials.

When he got down , his close friend Jimin, ask him what Mr. Jeon asked him, he smiled and told him when they close from work he would tell him . with a pout on his best friends face he had no option but to agree.

They close from work and jimin started budging taehyung with question upon question.

" so now tell me, what went on in Mr. Jeon office" jimin asked him

taehyung looked at him and said when we get home okay , im kind tired . Jimin didn't have it at all he feels his best friend is trying to make him feel very noisy.

" Yah!!! this is no fun , why are you trying to make me feel like im the noisy one here hm? "

taehyung smiled at him and said

" that's a true fact you know "

Jimin kept quite and gave his best friend a deadly look but Taehyung was not even paying attention.

They took a bus , which goes right to where their houses are, taehyung sat at the back seat whilst jimin sat with a little boy going their direction.

when they got home taehyung dashed straight into the kitchen to grab himself something to eat .

jimin also went to his room and freshen up. he later came to the living hall to see taehyung sitting on the dinning chair , waiting for him to come eat . with a smile he wnet close and they started to eat.

right after they finish eating Jimin ask his best friend the same question.

Taehyung signed and said.

" Mr. Jeon as asked me to train his son "

Upon hearing this, Jimin mouth became an o shape , not really believing his ears.

" what ?..... like for real?" Jimin asked and Taehyung nodded

" You did not agree right ?..... oh right you cant agree" Jimin answered himself, he knows Taehyung is not a disobedient child when it comes to his work or with anyone around him.

He knows taehyung would agree , but he was not happy with that even though he got no choice like Taehyung himself.

Taehyung bowed his head down , and jimin knows why, this is not the first time his best friend is acting like this. And the reason is the same.

" I know its going to be hard for you a bit -" jimin didn't finish and taehyung cut him off

" NO.... its not at all, in fact im going to enjoy this moment " he said

" Enjoy this moment , have you forgotten who he is... okay let me remind you , he is the one no one wanna mess with , he mingles with criminals, he may look innocent but his action says other wise, he is a trouble maker , he is going to mess your brain Taehyung" jimin rambles .

Taehyung signed for the ninth time , he knows his words are totally the truth, but for some reason he kinda feels he can handle the boy, somehow.

" don't worry jimin , time would tell"

" oh gosh . this not the answer I was expecting , yah... I've you forgotten what happened 8 years ago that to the extent if I wasn't around you would've been dead huh? . " jimin said with worry.

8years ago wasn't easy for taehyung , he was almost killed by local goons in Deagu , his hometown . It wasn't even his fault , the person he tried to learn mechanics from had a crush on him , he rejected him so many times and still got flirty looks from him, things cooled down when he travelled to the state leaving taehyung to handle his shop , taehyung agreed to it and work very well , but it reached to a time , the mechanic brother started to flirt with him too , taehyung of course rejected him and that's how the house his family left for him after they died almost got burned down with him inside, if not for jimin , who saw what happened and prevented it with water , which he connected it from a street fire alarm water, and pored it on the kerosene , the goons spread on the grass floor , he would've been dead.

" I know I know.... but he doesn't have feelings for me -"

" but his father is siding with you over his own son, do you think I would like it if that happens to me . tae he is JK J..K the bad boy in the motor cycling world , you know even young people fears him, and you are here trying to make assumptions huh? . wake up tae"

taehyung signed what jimin is saying is so true , but he want to take risk .. he doesn't know why he really want to teach this boy, even though he knows his status.

" okay fine . at least im around this time, I wont let anything he is plotting in his mind happen." jimin said to taehyung and he smiled at him. having jimin makes his life easy and he likes it.

he embrassed his best friend and he couldn't help but smile at his best friend reaction.

" okay okay let me breath ." jimin said releasing himself from his friends hold.

" so when is he starting ?" jimin asked

" maybe tomorrow... that's the time I gave him "

jimin nodded cause with the way taehyung said this, it means he is not even sure if the boy would come to work or not.

"i hope he behaves well" taehyung thought to himself , hoping tomorrow becomes a new start for him and the younger boy.







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