Nigh-Superhuman Endurance: Jason's body possessed extraordinary metabolism, and, combined with his intense training as the second Robin, this further enhanced his tenacity, and gained physical endurance which could be considered near superhuman. Having survived a year of continuous and brutal torture at the hands of the Joker and ultimately surviving a gunshot in an extremely weakened state, Jason possessed a strong will, body, and mind. During his brutal ordeal with Joker, he learned to withstand relentless torture, and in turn, attained a massive amount of tolerance towards pain, physical or otherwise. Years later, Jason's rigorously retrained physique was immensely stronger than before.

Nigh-Superhuman Agility: Jason's agility was at peak human potential superior to even gold-medal-winning athletes and other highly trained professionals in the field of athletics. In his training as Robin, he had been taught acrobatics and gymnastics routines. He has shown an extremely high level of physical capabilities in Parkour and military obstacle training as shown when he could maintain balance on a high tree, climb and freely move about the complex environment of Gotham City. He retrained himself to be an even better gymnast and acrobat than Batman, but not quite good enough to match Nightwing.

Nigh-Superhuman Stamina: Jason's highly trained and developed body eliminates the excessive build-up of fatigue-producing chemicals in his muscles, granting him near-superhuman levels of stamina and lung capacity. He could exert himself at peak capacity in all physical activities for hours without tiring or slowing down.

Nigh-Superhuman Reflexes: Jason's advanced reactions were honed to the highest human limit, far better than normal humans, even though this ability was not classified as 'superhuman'. He could easily match Batman's own reflexes during their short fight, and even dodge bullets fired at him from Black Mask at point-blank range, while still reacting to simultaneous attacks.

Nigh-Superhuman Senses: Jason's natural five senses were at the highest caliber of human potential; making his sense of sight, touch, hearing, smell and taste extremely precise and accurate by human standard. He can concentrate his senses to see accurately from moderately far distances, acutely touching ink on a page, hear and distinguish small sounds, have smell capabilities like a primate, and tasting more accurately than normal humans. This makes him highly alert to danger and aware of the surroundings around him; this ability was not classified as 'superhuman'.

Nigh-Superhuman Healing/Metabolism: Jason could heal much more rapidly than a normal human athlete, which enables him to heal broken bones, torn muscles, several gunshot & knife wounds and other severe injuries within several days and most lesser injuries like cuts, scrapes and burns within hours. This is likely due to his greatly accelerated metabolism was further enhanced through his intense training and nutritionally-strict diet. He also ages slower than normal humans, though not to a 'superhuman' degree.

Master Strategist & Tactician: Having trained under Deathstroke, Jason possesses immense skills in military grade tactics, strategies and protocols. He has the disciplined mind of a true military commander with the strategic mind of Deathstroke. His tactical skills are equal to that of Batman, and has outsmarted him on multiple occasions.
Leadership: Jason has learnt how to lead an entire army with extreme charisma, intimidating techniques and the power of suggestion. He is also skilled enough to help his army adapt to the Batman's tactics and fighting styles.

Master Martial Artist: He has been rigorously trained by Jason in almost every form of hand-to-hand combat, swordsmanship and other Ninjutsu-based abilities. His primary form of combat is a mixture of Niko Style, Gaoh Style, Aikido, Silat, Boxing, Savate, Ninjutsu, Muay Thai, Taekwondo, and Krav Maga; though he has mastered other styles as well. After his "death" Jason was trained by Deathstroke, he later gave himself an even more rigorous training than Batman himself to become Batman's equal and possibly surpass the Dark Knight. Batman calls him a master of Martial Arts. Jason Todd is a highly skilled combatant trained by Batman. Although he was always more of a brawler as Robin, following his resurrection, he gained more training and demonstrated himself to be far more skilled than before.

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