Chapter 12

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Cameron had never felt guiltier than now. He sat on the bed as he felt dizzy. Jason could see his younger brother's anguish and his heart went out to him. He sat down next him.

"Are you all right, Cammy," He asked.

Even though his younger brother was no longer small and was nearly the same size as him, the fact that he was still his little brother remained. He simply wished Cameron had come to him so he could have helped him.

"What the hell I have done, Jason. I ruined everything. I made Marissa life a living hell. It is all my fault."

Cameron had tears in his eyes. Jason couldn't recall the last time he saw him tear up and today was one of those rare occasions when he witnessed his younger brother in distress.

"Do not blame yourself for everything, Cameron. You cannot be the cause for everything that had happened in Marissa's life and I really doubt she believes otherwise, because if she did than, she would have avoided you at all cost."

"I was surprised when she did not asked me to stay away from her after what I put her through. She should have though." Cameron muttered.

"What exactly happened between the two of you? I understood some gist of Marissa's life but none of us know what occurred between the two of you other than that it did not work out. You were always uncomfortable talking about it but we did not pester you but it is about time you come clean."

"I know," Cameron said as he told his brother, who was listening closely, about his marriage to Marissa and his relationship with Daphne. He even informed him about his conversation with Marissa at her place when he forgot his house key.

"At least you did not cheat on her," Jason said, trying to lighten the mood but he only received blank stare from Cameron.

"I should not have associated with Daphne in any way. Neither should I have accused of Marissa."

"You should not have done a lot of things, Cameron," Jason sighed. "And this contents from marriage box does looked worse than it actually is. According to what I hear, you did not exactly make Marissa's life horrible, even though you had your moments."


But his elder brother cut him off. "Let me finish, Cameron. I am not saying this because you are my brother. I would never, ever support you for your wrongdoings, and you know it."

Cameron nodded in response, "I do."

"Then get this in your head that you are not entirely to blame. Whatever happened to Marissa before and after marriage is not on you. It will never be irrespective of what you and other believe."

"How are you able to say that, Jason? Marissa would not have returned to her parents if I had not forced her to divorce me and leave the house. I know that whatever occurred to her prior to our marriage was not my fault, but I cannot say the same for what transpired after our marriage."

"So should I blame myself for Olivia's abuse and for our parent's death? If I did not disappeared or lost my memories than mom and dad would still be alive. Our family would have been together. I also cannot forget the pain that my best friend Zack and Stella endured." Jason asked. He knew no other way for Cameron to see sense in his words.

Cameron, on the other hand, felt bewildered by his brother's statements. "How can you even think about it, Jason? You cannot blame yourself for something over which you had no control. You did not asked for any of it. It was all Domino Valentino fault and no one else."

"How can you then hold yourself accountable for something you did not do? You are responsible for how you treated your wife during your marriage, but what Marissa went through post that was not entirely your fault. I know that Jenny and Ronny are furious. They have every right to be. Ronny is Marissa's best friend, therefore he has been there for her through thick and thin. Jenny has grown to regard Marissa as her best friend. She also loves Ronny and has witnessed him struggle through his sorrow. It is given that they are angry but they would come around. Give them some time."

"And how about Marissa?" Cameron could not help but think about her.

"She is a sensible and strong woman. And, based on what you've told me, I can certainly say that Marissa is a strong, independent woman. She returned the ring and money back because she never considered it hers. She did it out of self-respect and it proved her innocence but yes it did cost both of you a lot. More so to her than you. Cameron, give yourself and her some space. Blaming yourself will get you nowhere. It will simply aggravate the situation."

Cameron knew that his brother was not wrong. He was also conscious that he needed to visit and speak with Marissa as soon as possible. It is past time for him to make things right and do right by everyone who had suffered because of him.

heart beats for you (Book 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon