The second day with friends~

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People included in this conversation today is Misha4513 ShinsenHaruki @micthell773 and rinichi258


~~ 05/27/2015 ~~

Micthell773: Well hello to another day of this random collab thing...?

christyclov: Why yes, hello readers~!

ShinsenHaruki: Hello~! I'm here~! Nice to see everyone...aGAIN \ >_< /...By the way, Micthell773, Christyclov, u guys there?..... *crickets chirping* huh...I guess I arrived a little late to the party...again... ._."|'|

christyclov: Naw, just here waiting for everyone. You're not alone!

ShinsenHaruki: oh *phew* thank goodness. Thanks for the info Christy ^_^

Micthell773: Oh sorry I was just getting the last person and getting a box of cookies to snack on... :3

ShinsenHaruki: Ohhhh I get it I get it...oh which reminds me, I gotta dash to get some snacks too ^_^ *holds up 1 finger* brb real quick...

christyclov: Well what a coincidence that I actually already have my snacks with me to snack on. owo/

Micthell773: Oh yeah I forgot to mention that christyclov is Misha4513 on wattpad just incase anyone is confused about that

ShinsenHaruki: I'm back; brought snacks! Oh, so that's who misha is, oh now I feel more updated now thanks ^_^ b Oh, and some one finally joined the group, awesome!

Rinichi258: YES!!! I finally made it! ^x^ Hello!

christyclov: Hey Rinichi! :D

Rinichi258: Did i miss anything?

ShinsenHaruki: Nope! We were all waiting for everyone to finally gather up; It's nice to finally meet you Rinichi ^_^ <3

Rinich258: Me too! Its nice to meet you ShinsenHaruki! ( ^ω^ )

ShinsenHaruki: Aww Haruki is just fine; that goes for everyone else as well if u want to :)

Micthell773: well then should we all just call each other nicknames to help each other out a bit

Rinichi258: You guys can just call me Rin or Rini!

Micthell773: i'm fine with being called Micthe then

ShinsenHaruki: Then, for me I can be called Haru or Kii, I prefer those the most!

christyclov: Christy is just fine for me.

Micthell773: well then now we got that out of our way we can now get on to our topic for the da- well more like week; which is Fairy Tail~ :3

Rinichi258: Party??? (=゚ω゚)ノ

ShinsenHaruki: Yayyy it's time for Fairy Tail *throws random rainbow confetti*!!

christyclov: Well, glad to be talking about Fairy Tail because it's one of my favorite animes! :D

Micthell773:.... *mumbles* who's gonna clean all of these confettis... T^T

ShiinsenHaruki: Oh-um..........oops? ^_^: sorry~

Rinichi258: Uhhhhhhhh........ Kampaiii??? *holds up a cup*

Micthell773: Eh..? who cares right now?! Now lets cheers and get on with the topic of the week~ :D

Rinichi258: KAMPAIIII!!!!!!! XD

ShinsenHaruki: Alrighty then! *whispers* and don't worry, I'll call someone to clean this up later....

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