Johan Gojo (Class 1-A | MHA)

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Enhanced Strength:

JoJo can raise thousands of pounds to tens of thousands of pounds. Being able to carry out any offensive action with the force of a massive vehicle. He can lift cars, trucks, buses, moderate to large sized rocks, tall trees and are often beyond the physical limits of humans at their maximum.

Enhanced Speed & Reflexes:

JoJo can drastically enhanced reaction speed, allowing them to dodge multiple bullets, catch flies in mid-air, dodge and maneuver around complex attacks, catch falling objects, block detriments and react instantaneously to what others take more time to react to like high speed projectiles e.g. sniper bullets as well as react to a being with superhuman speed.

Enhanced Stamina & Endurance:

JoJo possess an enhanced stamina & endurance, he's highly resistant to the lactic acid buildup in their muscles, allowing the users to be physically more active than peak humans being able to run 400 miles without breaking a sweat, they could also fight for days to weeks without any rest or signs of exhaustion.

Enhanced Hearing:

JoJo of this power have his hearing abilities enhanced far beyond the human limit. He also have the ability to hear different sounds at different frequencies that are miles away from the user.

JoJo's ears, in addition to having incredible hearing capabilities, have a "natural protection" that protects them against noise overload due to the large amount of sounds they hear daily. They are also capable of interpreting multiple layers of sounds, even in a crowded city miles away from him.

Enhanced Smell:

JoJo can detect specific persons, objects, substances or even places, locate their origin, and track targets with nothing but their nose.

He may even be able to detect lying, sicknesses, or tumors by which hormones/smells a target excretes.

Enhanced Sight:

JoJo has enhanced vision beyond that of the peak that can be achieved by their species, allowing them to see with amazing clarity/detail, distance, and color.

Not only does it augment his vision, but it also grants extra abilities as well, including but not limited to seeing in the dark, perceiving the electromagnetic spectrum, perceive things that are too small for the naked eye, see distant objects and beings in a magnified scale, and even have incredible accuracy and/or precision.

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