(Chapter 8) CLUB NIGHT!

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Ein and Ava head outside to the backyard, where Leif and Rhys are practising their sword fighting skills.(Those two fight a lot I guess) Ein takes a seat on a nearby bench, watching the two with interest.

Pierce catches up to them and joins Ein on the bench. "Sorry about that, Ava can be a bit overwhelming sometimes," he says, smiling at Ein.

Ein nods, "It's alright, I'm used to her antics by now."

Pierce takes Ein's hand in his, "So, what do you want to do today? Maybe we can explore the woods or something?"

Ein smiles at the suggestion, "That sounds fun, I haven't explored the woods in a while."

Ava interrupts them again, "Hey, I want to come too! Can we all go together?"


Leif and Rhys finish their practice and join them, both interested in exploring the woods as well. "Sure, the more the merrier," Rhys says, smiling.

(I swear to god what have i written... WHY DO I KEEP INTERRUPTING THEIR ROMANCE! Cause i can~)

They all head out towards the woods, excited for their adventure together.

Asch: "PRISONER!" Asch yells from the distance.


Ein turns around and sees Noi and Asch running after them. "Oh, sorry guys! We just got carried away," he says, smiling apologetically.

Pierce looks at Ein, feeling a bit guilty for getting caught up in the moment and forgetting about the others. "Yeah, sorry about that. We'll make it up to you guys," he says, trying to smooth things over.

Noi and Asch shrug it off and smile. "No worries, we're just glad you guys had a good time," Noi says, grinning as Asch rolls his eyes.

They all continue their walk, chatting and laughing as they enjoy the beautiful day. Pierce keeps sneaking glances at Ein, feeling a bit shy and unsure of what to say after the almost-kiss was interrupted by Ava. He wishes they could have some time alone together, but he doesn't want to push Ein if he's not ready.

(You know what i am lazy as fuck so i am going to time skip)

(Time skip to 7:00 pm)

Ava: " Guys i have decided that we should all go to a club RIGHT NOW  so we can dance and play pool and all that. What do you think? It will be fun. Since we don't go out much it will be a great opportunity.

Ein smiles and nods eagerly. "I'm down for it! Sounds like a lot of fun," he says.

Pierce looks a bit hesitant at first but then see's that Ein wants to go, so he then shrugs. "Sure, why not? I could use a night out," he says with a small smile.

Noi grins excitedly. "Yes! I'm so ready to dance and have some fun!" he exclaims.

Ava claps her hands together, thrilled at everyone's enthusiastic response. "Yay! This is going to be the best night ever!" she says, already planning out their outfits and pre-game drinks in her head.

Ava hands everyone some clothes to wear for the night out, "GUYS GET DRESSED IN THESE! I will be waiting by the door!" Ava says as she heads to the door, waiting for them to get ready. Ein looks excited and starts changing into the clothes right away, while Pierce hesitates for a moment before slowly changing into the outfit.

As they all meet up at the door, Ava looks at them approvingly. "Looking good, guys!" she exclaims. "Let's go have some fun!" They all head out to the club, with Ava leading the way.

My Inner Demons Meets A Werewolf Ein x PierceDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora