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(Time skip Morning lets say 10:00 Am) 

(Everyone is out in the living room chatting as Ein has not woken up yet) 

 Ava: "Hey Pierce can you go wake Ein up? I want us to all have breakfast." Ava asks 

Pierce nods and walks into the room he hovers over Ein blushing at the fact that Eins Werewolf ears are droopy and that he is hugging a teddy and sucking his thumb. Pierce approaches Ein slowly he does not want to wake him up but yet again Ava said too. "Wake up sleepy head~" Pierce says in a gentle, hot deep voice.

Ein stirs slightly at Pierce's voice, his thumb still in his mouth and the teddy bear still clutched in his arms. He opens his eyes slowly, blinking away the sleep as he becomes aware of Pierce standing over him.

Ein:"Good morning," Ein mumbles around his thumb, blushing when he realises he's still sucking on it. He quickly takes his thumb out of his mouth and sits up, hugging his teddy bear closer to his chest. "Did I oversleep?" he asks, rubbing his eyes.

Pierce blushes at the sleepy boy in front of him. "Y-yes you did..."

Ein smiles sleepily. "I'm sorry. I tend to suck my thumb when I sleep. It's a habit from when I was a kid," he explains, feeling a bit embarrassed.

Pierce can't help but find it adorable. "It's alright. I think it's cute." he says with a smile.

Ein blushes at the compliment. "Thanks," he mumbles. He is too sleepy to react highly flustered, instead a light pink blush spreads on his cheeks.

Pierce then remembers why he came to wake Ein up. "Ava wanted us all to have breakfast together. Are you ready to join us?" he asks.

Ein nods and gets out of bed, stretching his arms. "Yeah, let's go," he says, still feeling a bit drowsy. 

"You don't have to if you're not up for it puppy." Pierce says not realising what he just called Ein

Ein looks up at Pierce, surprised by the nickname. "Did you just call me... puppy?" Ein asks, a bit confused but also a bit flustered.

Ein blinks, surprised at the sudden nickname. "Puppy?" he repeats again, looking up at Pierce with wide eyes.

Pierce's cheeks turn pink. "Oh, uh, sorry about that. It just slipped out," he says, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

Ein smiles, feeling a warmth in his chest at the endearing nickname. "No, it's fine. I kinda like it," he says, still blushing.

Pierce's face lights up at Ein's words. "You do? Okay then, puppy it is," he says, grinning.

Ein giggles, feeling a bit giddy at Pierce's playful teasing. "So, what did you need me for?" he asks, trying to steer the conversation back on track.

"Oh, right. Ava wanted me to wake you up. We're all out in the living room. Breakfast is almost ready," Pierce says, standing up and offering a hand to help Ein up.

Ein takes Pierce's hand, feeling a small jolt of electricity at the contact. He stands up, feeling a bit dazed. "Okay, let's go then," he says, following Pierce out of the room.

As they walk to the living room, Ein can't help but feel a bit giddy at the thought of being called "puppy" by Pierce. He can't wait to see what other playful teasing Pierce has in store for him.  "W-wait what am i thinking!? Pierce is just a friend... Right?" Ein thinks to himself.

(Everyone is still in their P.J's.) 

"MORNING EIN! Noi yells smiling. Asch just looks at Ein and Pierce holding hands cause you know he has nothing better to do. Leif and Rhys are to busy arguing over table manners and Ava just looks at the two smiling

My Inner Demons Meets A Werewolf Ein x PierceWhere stories live. Discover now