Chapter Two: Percy

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The word of the mysterious letters had gotten around to everyone in the camp by noon, even the Hypnos Cabin. Percy immediately contacted his mother, who seems taken aback.

He asked Chiron if he could use the old telephone in the Big House to make a quick call, and he agreed that this was a case important enough to use it. Percy stuck his thin fingers into the dialer, and spun the dial gets into the 1950's style phone. He picked it up, and listens to it as it dialed. He then heard a deep, grouchy voice pick it up.

"Who is this and what do you want." Gabe demanded.

"I'm, shocked, Gabe, that you were able to move off the sofa to actually pick the phone up." Percy replied.

Gabe grunted loudly "We got wireless, Sherlock." Percy could hear as Gabe placed the phone down. "Sally! It's the little pig! He's calling!" He waited a moment and said quietly into the phone "I was better off without him calling at all."

Percy snorted so loudly Connor, who was walking by at the time, stared in questionably.

There was another muffling that came from the phone, and this time, Percy's ears were filled with a higher, soothing voice. "Percy? How are you, honey? How's camp?" Sally Jackson asked.

"I'm fine. There's just this letter I got this morning-" He was cut off.

"A letter? At Camp Half Blood? How could anyone send a letter to you at Camp Half Blood? It might as well be one of the safest places on Earth!"

"Mom, I'm just as confused as you are about that, it's just what the letter said..." Percy's voice trailed off. Being him, he heard Piper, and Annabeth chatting.

They walked by Chiron's office and peered in at Percy, who still had the phone held to his ear.

"Percy, when you're done, mind if we use that? We, er- want to tell our dads about the letters, you know, get their approval on going and stuff." Piper said.

"Yeah, sure, hold on a sec." Percy responded.

"Percy?" said his mother, still waiting on the other end. "Are you still there? I think I heard that pretty girl, what was her name? Oh yes, Piper. And was that Annabeth-"

Percy stopped her before Annabeth and Piper could hear anymore, he had completely forgotten that Charles did something to the phone to make it speaker at all times. Percy turned around to face the painting of the twelve gods of Olympus and began talking with his mother again, blushing.

"Mom, I'm back." Percy said quietly. He could still hear the loud giggling of Annabeth and Piper, who seemed to be waiting outside the room.

"Oh, right, Percy. About this letter. What exactly did it say?" Mrs. Jackson said.

"Um, well... It was inviting me to a school, but it wasn't a regular school..."

"Well obviously! Since when have you ever attended a regular school! You're completely reckless, Percy!"

"Yeah, but on the letter, it said this school was for, well, wizards."

"Wizards? Now, don't be ridiculous. There's no such thing!" Sally exclaimed.

"And you probably would have said the same thing about the gods of Olympus 20 years ago, right?" Percy reminded her.

"Fair point, Perc. Now, what's it called, exactly, where is it, and when do you start?"

Percy pulled the letter out of his back pocket and began reading the letter to his mother.

When he finished reciting the text, He neatly folded the paper and put it back into his pocket.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2015 ⏰

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