Chapter 34

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(A few months later)

(TW: Brandon)

-Zoe's POV-

My phone starts ringing as I'm driving to Billie's house to pick her up. I answer it and put the phone in speaker. "Hello, who is this" i say and I hear a familiar laugh. Brandon. Why can't they just kill him already.

"Hi Zoe, how has Billie been, I know she misses me. I just wanted to call you to let you know that i will be back, you won't know when, but all I'm telling you is that I'm coming for Billie, and this time you won't be able to find her" Brandon says, and I try to keep my anger level low, so I don't crash.

"You will never get Billie and never call me again you fucking asshole" I say, hanging up the phone. I keep driving, knowing I will be with Billie the entire day.

Once I got to Billie's house, I park, get out, and I go inside as Billie has given me a key to get in. "Billie I'm hereeeeee" I say, and Billie comes running over.

"Hi baby" i say, hugging the smaller teen, and she hugs me back. "I missed you so much" she says, kissing my cheek.

"I missed you too" i say, kissing her head and we leave. I get in the drivers seat and Billie gets in the passenger seat. Billie's phone starts ringing, making look at her screen, and it was the prison.

"Don't answer it baby, it's Brandon, he called me earlier" I say and Billie nods and just lets it ring. I could tell, Billie hearing Brandon's name made her upset so I hold her hand.

I start driving back to my house and once Billie caught on, she started panicking. "What's wrong baby" i say, pulling over into a Walmart parking lot. "Can we just go somewhere, your dad is scary" she says, her eyes watering.

"Of course baby, I'm sorry" I say, starting to drive again and I drive to the mall. I feel like a bad girlfriend.

Once we got to the mall, I park and look over to see Billie sleeping. "Hey baby, wake up love" I say, rubbing her back. She wakes up and rubs her eyes.

"Where are we" she says, leaning towards me. "The mall baby" i say, unplugging her seatbelt and then unplugging mine. I get out of the car and close my door and after a minute billie gets out, closes the door and walks over.

We walk into the mall, holding Billie close to me so she knows that I'm here and that she's safe. "Where do you want to go first baby" i say, as we walk slowly.

"Can we go to target please" Billie says, smiling, so we make our way to target and we walk in. Billie starts pulling me to where the toys are. "Hey hey calm down" I say, and she stops and we walk to the toy isle,

As Billie was looking around, I noticed a girl was looking at Billie smiling. I tap Billie and whisper "one of your fans are here" and Billie looks at the fan.

"Hii, how are you" Billie says, walking over to the girl and the girl hugs her. "Hi omg I love your music so much, can I have a picture" she says, and I look at the toys as billie talks with her and takes a picture with the girl and after a minute or two, billie comes back to me and goes back to looking at the toys.

Billie keeps looking and we stubble upon the stuffed animals and Billie squeals and starts looking through them. I'm so happy to see her happy!

(Time Skip: night time)

-Billie's POV-

I grab all of my plastic mini babies and I giggle as I put them into my candle. I light the candle and after a few minutes, finneas walks in. He starts recording and says "Billie what did you do" as he records the candle. "I burn the baby's in the candle" I say and we both start laughing and he stops recording.

After like 20 minutes, I get up and look at my candle. "Their all melted noooo, look at their legs they're morphed together oooooo" i say as I pick one up and we both start laughing. He stops recording and opens my door.

"Anyways, we have a venue and a meet and greet tomorrow so get some rest and I will see you in the morning" he says as he leaves my room and i smile and put my phone on charge. I lay in bed and after 30 minutes I fall asleep smiling, knowing i get to see all my lovely fans tomorrow.

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🏳️‍🌈stay fruity🏳️‍🌈
800 words

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