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chapter forty-two:

Danielle stared at the twins with a dropped jaw, her fork slowly being placed down onto her plate. She looked between the two, their features becoming more and more distinct the more she stared.

"Well?" Nura asked awkwardly. Nour nervously played with his fingers as he stared at his lover who tried to process the last hour of intense conversation.

" your father wants Nour killed so he can take over your money cleaning business?"


"Because you guys are one of the most wealthiest families across the world. But in organized crime and he's not apart of it?"


"" Danielle whispered as she grabbed her water and sipped it. Her hands were trembling as she placed it back down.

"That man at that party..what does he do?"

"Jewelry. He launders jewelry, we clean his money, we get paid in gems or cash. No in between."

"All of this-"

"Is legit. If they were to get busted, they can't trace anything to us at all. We made sure of that."


"One of the heads. His great great grandfather started the business. Now he owns most of it."

"And who owns the rest?"

"Me." Nour sighed before standing up straight. Danielle just stared up at him with wide eyes full of concern.

"I don't have to worry about anyone coming in here guns blazing right? The kids-"

"Absolutely not. Never. Conflict has never been on our side until now. It's our father. He's.."

"A jackass." Nour hissed causing Nura to pop him on the back of his head, some of his hair fluffing up causing Danielle to snicker.

"He can be. He's very money oriented. It caused a lot of issues between us all. He's angry because Nour got what he thought he was entitled to. So now his business, which is a bunch of absolute hot garbage, is trying to compete with ours. They're manipulating our clients and trying to take our profit. Nour even offered to split, to negotiate. He said no and that there will be bloodshed." Nura responded as Nour cursed in arabic.

"What are you going to do? What about us? H-how is this-"

"See. This is too much for her. I knew it. I don't want you in the hospital again, Danielle." Nour's voice cracked slightly causing Nura to rub his back as Danielle stared up at him with sad eyes.

"No I'm just trying to understand. You're telling me a lot right now. I'm just trying to-"

"I know. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. He won't attack us like that. He'll probably take out a few of my men and try to intimidate me. I'm just..I'm about to just give it to him, Nura-"

"Nour! No! Stop! That's what he wants!"

"What about what I want?! Huh?! I just want my family, including you, to be okay. We have more than enough money to last us ten fucking lifetimes, Nura. I'm tired..aren't you? You're only involved because of me. I don't know if I can do this anymore. Nubia will be here soon and I can't keep watching over my shoulder."

"So then I'll do it. I'll be on the front line." Nour scoffed at his sisters response, his face dropping as he realized she was serious. Danielle watched as the two argued, suddenly feeling overwhelmed as she grabbed her water and drank the rest of it.

"Are you fucking dumb?!" Nour hissed, the twins starting to argue in their native language. Danielle sighed while shaking her head.

"Stop fighting! Damn, I already have three fùcking kids." Danielle hissed. The twins stopped, both of them glaring at each other as Danielle slowly stood up while holding her stomach.

"It's clear you both have important decisions to make. This whole time I were just a really popular accountant which was dumb on my part, honestly. I'm not mad. But..I'm worried. I didn't leave one dangerous situation to get put into another. I'm not gonna sit here and say who I agree with more, but you both have me and the kids to think about now and I'm not a yes man. So don't expect me not to be opposed to certain decisions that are made. I'm going to bed." Danielle huffed before slowly walking up the stairs, leaving the two siblings staring down at the marble table.

"Sometimes it feels like I'm in a relationship with both of them." Danielle muttered to herself while rolling her eyes. She started to change into her pajamas when the bedroom door opened and closed. Danielle didn't bother looking, sighing as arms wrapped around her now naked waist.

"Don't. You have things to think about." Danielle grumbled as she pushed Nour off of her gently before crawling onto the bed. Nour groaned loudly while face palming himself.

"I know I should've been straight forward. I can't just tell you-"

"I don't wanna hear that shit. You know why? Because you see that I'm here with you. I signed up for a life I was told would be secure not for myself, but my children. Now you're telling me your own father wants to kill you and I'm supposed to take that lightly? What if he came on thanksgiving and just decided to shoot you or something? There's other things to think about. Like seriously." Danielle scoffed while glaring up at Nour. Nour sighed and sat down at the edge of the bed, grabbing the woman's foot and starting to massage her skin.

"You're right. There are things that I didn't consider that could've happened. I was just so worried that-"

"What? That I would leave? Where the fuck am I going, Nour? You don't seem to realize the more you keep shit away from me and the more you push me away, that will drive me out the door. It may not be now, but six years from now I don't want to sit here and beg you to come home, or God forbid see your name on a fucking tombstone and not know what the hell happened because you weren't honest with me. I'm having your daughter, Nour. You don't think this is important?" Danielle asked, her voice breaking as the tears welled in her eyes. It triggered Nour's tears, both of them staring at each other in silence.

"I love you, but I'm a little upset, I'm not going to lie. Not at you, but at the situation. You need to be smart about this. And you can't have both either."

"What do you mean?" Nour asked. Danielle sighed shakily while leaning in and touching his face.

"You have to chose. You want money? You want your business? You want to live the risky life? You are free to do that. But I refuse..Nour..I watch you dig a grave for yourself and our family knowing that there's a threat out there willing to take you out with no hesitation. It's not even just me..Mason would be shattered. Nura..our daughter." Danielle whispered, her tears loosely streaming down her face as she took Nour's hand and placed it onto her stomach that moved around.

"I know you'll make the right decision. I trust that you do. But if you decide different, give me a heads up and I'll be out of your way."

The Marriage Counselor. (Woman x intersex)Where stories live. Discover now