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chapter forty-four;

"Breathe, brother.. breathe..she's okay..the baby is okay..stop crying. You heard them, okay? She's fine." Nura's voice filled Danielle's ears along with the sound of beeping. She moaned quietly, a sharp pain shooting through her head causing her to hiss.

"Danielle?!" Nour's voice echoed through her ears causing her to groan. Her eyes fluttered opened, wide and wet grey eyes staring down at her causing her to gasp. It was Nour, his nose red and eyes puffy as if he's been crying.

"What happened? The baby.."

"She's okay. She's okay. Mama, you passed out. I was so worried about you."

"He's been crying for an hour. The doctor already said you and the baby were fine. You have preeclampsia and need to stay off your feet. There's a chance of pre-mature labor if you don't ease your stress. Starting now, you're on bed rest." Nura sighed as she rubbed the top of Danielle's head.

"Stop crying, papa I'm okay.." Danielle pouted while leaning in and kissing his lips. He sighed and wiped his face before looking at Nura and giving her the middle finger.

"Where's Mason?"

"Right here, mom. We were worried." Mason stated from the other side of the room. He was on his tablet, Danielle rolling her eyes before hissing at the sharp pain that ran through her head.

"Did I hit my head? Jeez.." Danielle sighed.

"Yes, and you have a concussion. Ive already made calls to arrange house visits for any appointments you need, even if it's just a manicure. I was so worried about you. Come on, we're going home."

"Did the doctor discharge me?"

"No! Nour just needs to calm the fuck down!" Nura hissed before yelling at her brother in Arabic. He yelled back, both of them bickering like children causing Danielle to groan.

"Shut up! Damn!" Danielle hissed. Both of them obeyed, the twins looking at Danielle in shock.

"I don't know what the fuck is going on. Stop yelling. I have preeclampsia, okay great. Bed rest? Fine. Can I get something for my head? And where's the doctor?"

"I hear you loud and clear. Ms. Sanaa." The doctor's gruff voice filled the unit as he pulled back the curtains. He walked in with his chart, Danielle sighing in relief.

"Thank you."

"Yes, you're free to go but please check in with your OBGYN. All head scans are clear, baby looks good, heartbeat is strong. No bleeding, but the preeclampsia needs to be managed. Your blood pressure was way too high when you came in. We will be sending you home with some liquid IV as your husband has requested." Danielle looked at Nour who sighed while shrugging.

"I want to make sure you have everything you need."

"That's expensive-"

"Nothing is too expensive for you or our children. Don't start an argument you won't win." Nour growled lowly. Danielle huffed and slumped back against the bed before looking at the doctor.

"Just tell me everything I need to do."

"I'm not fùcking eating this." Danielle sniffed as she glared down at the plate. The food seemed bland, it being a simple piece of chicken breast with green beans and rice.

"You have to, mama. We have to keep your blood pressure down." Nour sighed as he sat next to her. The kids ate their takeout on Nura's side because Danielle bursted into tears once she saw the bag of shake shack on the table.

"Isn't that what the medication is for? This looks terrible. Let me have a bite, please?" Danielle begged as she stared down at his burger. He sighed before cutting it in half causing Danielle to squeal while clapping.

"Here. I'm not hungry anyway."

"And why not?" Danielle asked as she took a bite. He shrugged while shaking his head while standing up and grabbing a scotch glass. He filled it with ice before pouring the cognac in there. Danielle watched, biting her lip with uncertain eyes. He sipped it, his eyes shutting as the familiar burn rushed down his throat.

" everything okay?" Danielle asked even though she already knew the answer. Nour wanted to say yes, but he knew she was tired of him lying about his emotions. He just wasn't sure what to say.


"No you aren't. Don't you dare lie to me, Nour!" Danielle suddenly exploded as she stood up. He turned and looked over to see her glaring up at him with her arms crossed. He scoffed, waving his hands before running one down his face.

"You shut me out all the time. You demand for me to come to you for everything, but you don't come to me. Why?" Danielle asked. Nour didn't answer as he stared at her with a look of discomfort.

" haven't been the same since thanksgiving. I'm worried about you. Nura is worried about you. Please.." Danielle whispered as she touched the side of his face. Nour looked down at her with a pained expression before shaking his head, a stray tear streaming down his face.

"I don't know what to say Danielle. I have all this anger all this..sadness and it just stays in one place. It hurts to breathe, it hurts t-to eat. It hurts to do anything." Nour suddenly sobbed. Danielle stared up at him with a look of absolute shock, Nour pulling at his hair while pacing back and forth.

"See? My mother didn't outright say it. She pushed me around..ignored me.. gave all my sisters everything I wanted you know? But she didn't insult me. She didn't tell me I was a waste of breath. That Allah made a mistake even though He never makes mistakes. Now..we're at war. He started a war and he knows I'm going to win but he wants my head as proof of his superiority."

"What?" Danielle hissed. Nour chuckled humorlessly before punching the wall causing Danielle to jump violently and wrap her arms around herself.

"It's always money. Money before his before anything. Now..he's threatening my legacy because of greed? He can have it! The only reason why he can't is because he wasn't chosen for it! He thinks I had some fucking choice when I didn't. I didn't and now I have to pay the price for it. And now..he won't even meet you and I know he won't care about Nubia-"

"Nubia?" Danielle asked. Nour looked up with wild, tearful eyes as he nodded.

"It was just a name I was thinking about for her. When you're sleeping, I talk to her and she responds to the name. It means gold. This is something I've looked forward to since he declared me a man. And he doesn't even care. Im the man. Me. Im more of a man than him." Nour scoffed as he threw back the rest of his drink.

"He wants to kill you? Nour, that's that's-"

"He won't. He can't. Because if he does then that means everyone in the family will be obligated to kill him too, including Nura." Danielle slowly sat back down at the kitchen table, Nour grabbing his cup and sitting with her. They both stared at the table for a second, Danielle's eyes filling with tears.

"I think it's time you tell me the truth about what's going on and what you do for a living."

"I think so too. Let me call Nura."

The Marriage Counselor. (Woman x intersex)Where stories live. Discover now