Seeing Fred

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Leah woke up with a pounding headache. She pushed herself up in her bed and clutched her head, groaning. What happened last night? She thought to yourself. She looked around the room, the sun streaming through her curtains, her messy room visible in the sunlight. When she felt a piece of paper under her left hand, she looked down. A post-it lay on the pillow next to her that read.


I had a great time!
See you at the next.

- Jackson

Then the memories started flooding back. She was dancing with Jackson at the bar, Jackson was a cousin of one of her friends that she met a couple of days prior. They talked, danced, drank, kissed, drank some more. Feeling young and free, she took him to her place and had a great night together, and like they discussed he left before she woke up, not to make things awkward.

She stretched her legs and climbed out of bed, walking towards the small bathroom. She glanced at the clock, grumbling as she noticed she had to hurry for work. The shower was quick, but it did its job, waking her up. She got dressed and grabbed a couple of rice crackers from the kitchen, already popping one in her mouth and hurried out of the flat.

"Shit!" She sighed and turned back, grabbing her purse from the chair near her front door and a light jacket before running down the steps. She had about 30 minutes to get to work. She grabbed her bike from the apartment buildings wall and jumped up and started paddling to the park. The park was starting to get crowded as she cycled through it, people getting to work, or families taking their kids to school in the spring breeze. She was cycling on the side of the pathway when a redhead suddenly popped up out of nowhere.

"Oi! Watch it!" She called out. The redhead turned and looked at her wide-eyed, before quickly stepping aside, almost losing his footing. She drove past him; his piercing blue eyes were locked on her. When she passed him, she took a glance over her shoulder as she drove out of the park, but he was gone, nowhere to be seen. Weird. She thought to herself before she turned her head back to the road before her and continued her journey to work.


She just made it in time for work but couldn't keep her mind with it. Her boss handed out assignments for them to do, she took her stuff and flopped down at her computer, her head crashing on the keyboard.

"Hey, Leah." A voice called from behind her screen. "Long night?"

"Yes, now let me sleep." She grumbled on the keyboard.

"Leah -"

"Jesus, Kevin, what is it?" She looked up, glaring.

Kevin just nodded his head in the direction behind her, she turned and saw her boss walk up. She quickly sat up straight and typed the codes on her computer.

"Kevin. How are the weapons coming along?"

"Great, Dean. I'll have them done by noon." Kevin said as he typed away on his computer.

"And Leah, the vehicles?"

"Most of them are done." She said, looking up at her boss. "But when I put the tank in the system, it keeps buffering."

"Hmm." He said as he leaned down, looking at her screen. "Why don't you come into my office, Leah."

"Oh, alright." She said hesitantly and rolled her chair back. Kevin looked at her worried, mouthing What did you do?

Nothing! She replied as she followed Dean across the floor to his office. Dean took his seat behind his large desk and folded his hands in front of him.

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